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Leaned Poems - Poems about Leaned

Leaned Poems - Examples of all types of poems about leaned to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for leaned.
Colortura Differential Scanning Calorimeter
...The Pekwachnamaykoskwaskwaypinwanik Melting and Annealing Process Company was Established in @029 He was no engineer! He thought he was smart but he was actually foolish. One of his Gal Comp......Read the rest...
Categories: leaned, art, business, creation, culture,
Form: Ballad
Fallen Angel
...Why did a cauldron of bedeviled bats fly right into the grim windows splattering their blood on the shards of glass strewn all over the floor… What drove them to their gruesome death? ......Read the rest...
Categories: leaned, angst, dark, death,
Form: Free verse

...I've never met anyone quite like you, Someone who's so infuriatingly perfect at everything they try. Someone that has never once judged me or looked at me differently Even after they've seen me cr......Read the rest...
Categories: leaned, magic,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Words I Could Never Say
...I can’t tell you not to leave, but please, stay here. Don’t touch another body, don’t disappear. Do they make you nervous, just like me? I won’t be mad if you touched them, see. But tell me, why ......Read the rest...
Categories: leaned, love, love hurts, sad
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Magical Magic Books
...I was born a feathery technicolor cloud- a sparkling shroud of shimmying neurons. A pen erected. A flashing sabre scissoring the blank, pasty face of a novel page, clean as cha......Read the rest...
Categories: leaned, appreciation, culture, fantasy, magic,
Form: Free verse

I Told The Devil Goodbye
... I met her where her shadow leaned, Beneath the cold and hollow sky, Her voice was soft, her eyes unseen— Yet still, I told the devil, yes goodbye. She traced her hand along my wrist, Her tou......Read the rest...
Categories: leaned, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
...Date: end of October 2051 Godfrey was awake first. He woke his twin Barrington. The 15 years old woke the rest of the youngsters for the Trip that morning room by room. We have everybody goi......Read the rest...
Categories: leaned, age, anxiety, beautiful, best
Form: Free verse
Premium Member thin fractures
...Thoughts can be thin fractures in the order of things. Sometimes my dorm room seems a sterile sarcophagus, like an accusation, or an interrogation about my romantic choices, with nothing warm or inv......Read the rest...
Categories: leaned, drink, forgiveness, integrity, morning,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Untitled
...there once was a man named Clark who was blind as a bat in the dark one night he went outside to pee leaned up against a tree and failed to leave his mark ......Read the rest...
Categories: leaned, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Does the Pan Make the Man, Dan?
...In a greasy diner on the edge of town, Dan flipped pancakes with the flair of a juggler, a spatula his scepter, his griddle a kingdom of sizzle and steam. They called him “Dan the Pan Man,” a brea......Read the rest...
Categories: leaned, confidence, creation, dedication, fate,
Form: Free verse
I miss myself
...Was it just another fiended out over dose? Or a dire plea to end her curse and broken hopes? WHY MUST EVERYTHING ALWAYS HURT the daily struggle got me spent My wings are broken And my halo b......Read the rest...
Categories: leaned, addiction, appreciation, drug, innocence,
Form: Rhyme
Twin Brother
...We grew together in the womb, no knowledge of the world just one another I leaned on you for protection as you looked to me for comfort and grace And when our momma died and our dad went away I wa......Read the rest...
Categories: leaned, family,
Form: Rhyme
...• I've never really noticed how slanted the walls look • Almost like they're about to fall • I'd once leaned on them, they started to creak • Echoing through the hall......Read the rest...
Categories: leaned, 11th grade, words,
Form: Rhyme
Children's Play
...We walked the mall, Hand-in-hand. Your skin warm, Like a summer night, As it touched my cold shoulder. You wrapped your hands around my waist, In a backwards hug. Your head brushed my chill......Read the rest...
Categories: leaned, 11th grade, first love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Marcus marrow crowd of visitors past midnight
...Marcus marrow beaten into a coma after a gang initiation was allowed 17 gang members to visit him in the hospital past midnight crowd of gang members atleast 9 women 8 men or vice verse 17th street g......Read the rest...
Categories: leaned, allah,
Form: Ottava rima

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