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Laurel Wreath Poems - Poems about Laurel Wreath

Laurel Wreath Poems - Examples of all types of poems about laurel wreath to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for laurel wreath.
Premium Member - Honor And Conscience -
... A name means nothing on the battlefield. "Julius Caesar" Test of conscience: tai......Read the rest...
Categories: laurel wreath, political,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Lilith
...Rose-petal lips, first quarter-moon forehead, galaxy face Dimpled chin, button nose, flimsy jaw, eyes with a wild gaze Skin that lures and intoxicates, like Tawny Port wine She's divine. She's ben......Read the rest...
Categories: laurel wreath, myth, mythology, woman,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Sun That Parts the Clouds
...Through frayed seams a rosy dream bleeds needled and re-stitched with threads of time and love and hope.. and still — a rosy dream bleeds the miscarriage of a promised rose garden leaving ......Read the rest...
Categories: laurel wreath, age, emotions, fear, hope,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

King Oedipus: Foreshadowing
...We hang on hints or clues to see what's to come next; I'll cite examples as proofs from a well-known text. He that crawls in fours when rooster gleefully calls, Walks in twos like the blazing......Read the rest...
Categories: laurel wreath, dark, fate, life, light,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Price of Poetry din less more pronounced upon your ear scallions separated blend to meet the stew when hearty hearts drink out the broth of fear and bury those with heavy hearts they knew long mornings sun ......Read the rest...
Categories: laurel wreath, dedication, devotion, fate, giving,
Form: Iambic Pentameter

The Crown of Age
...White hair, Gray hair, even No hair at all some call it "The Crown of Age" an imaginary but fixed laurel wreath for life But, what is there actually under the "Victory Crown"? in most lives, a......Read the rest...
Categories: laurel wreath, life, nostalgia,
Form: Free verse
Roman Reign
... The prominent years, of which did last Great heights of power, of centuries past According to legend, thy Rom......Read the rest...
Categories: laurel wreath, children, history,
Form: Free verse
A Psalm of Praise To God
...Oh Lord my God. I love you with an everlasting love. Each of your ways is perfect and in you there is no shadow of turning. I love you for first loving me and sending Jesus to die for my sins. My ......Read the rest...
Categories: laurel wreath, religious,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Micro Tale 3
...Merge urge with surge to hurl short fest, Invite the heart to feel quest spark; Charm moves sad dirge in spellbound jazz, Reprise old art to forge new mark; Obscure yet grand that laurel wreath. ......Read the rest...
Categories: laurel wreath, beauty,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Success Or Failure's Failure - Guts and Gain
...Success or Failure’s Failure Was it success or failure’s failure, The will to win or a refusal to lose. No guts, no glory!! – no pain, no gain!! He stayed the course – unnoticed, walked ......Read the rest...
Categories: laurel wreath, family, father, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Joseph Campbell
...Journey you take as hero must, One mindset starts for the true heart; Story you make in a fine trust, Explore bold art in fabled parts; Prized tale and spell: follow your bliss, Heed sacred code......Read the rest...
Categories: laurel wreath, blessing,
Form: Sonnet
Song of the Troubadour
...A troubadour came by my house; beneath my window he did sing. I had never heard such melody or listened to like lyrics ring. He sang a song I understood, a song of love for me alone; and , gazi......Read the rest...
Categories: laurel wreath, allegory, christian, easter, faith,
Form: Lyric
Brutus Iulius Trois Page 05
...Brutus Iulius Trois Page 05 Loud laughed Pandrasus Hear the mice roar yet stubborn Pandrasus swiftly gave chase over the high mountain, through the deep forest so easily he fell to the trap B......Read the rest...
Categories: laurel wreath, history,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Wedding of a Wench
... "Wedding of a Wench" a joyous celebration promised arrived on lacy invitation bring only your smile as a gift to offer congratulations but my cousin, Marlene, was known as a troublema......Read the rest...
Categories: laurel wreath, funny, wedding, words, red,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Fellow In the Trenches
...When the battle is won, 'tis the general who claims the laurel wreath. Seldom is lavish praise bestowed upon the lowly ranks beneath. But it's the valiant fellow in the trenches with his bayonet an......Read the rest...
Categories: laurel wreath, warhome, home, , cute,
Form: Rhyme

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