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Lande Poems - Poems about Lande

Lande Poems - Examples of all types of poems about lande to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for lande.

Athelstan King of Albion
...when Merlin knelte to Æthelstan he bid'th wealthe acrosse the lande an' lo thy King giveth his hande presidin' o'er all Albion from Alfred in whose shadowe ran emerg'd the court of Æthel......Read the rest...
Categories: lande, england, fun, history, language,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Translation of Eric Mottram's Poem 33 In Interrogation Rooms 1980-82 By T Wignesan
... Translation of Eric Mottram’s Poem 33 in Interrogation Rooms by T. Wignesan 33. on a vu un homme courir/ de la scène de crime un homme est maintenant en train d’aider/ la police avec leurs in......Read the rest...
Categories: lande, america, conflict, culture, ,
Form: Free verse

Lacs Italie
...Aux lacs italiens Douce l'italie, ca n'est pas moi qui raillerai jamais tes amants, méme quand la passion les emportant Bien au contraire, les exces m'enchantent. Je me rapelle l'ent......Read the rest...
Categories: lande, appreciation, heart, uplifting,
Form: Romanticism

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Liebe Wie Ein Wasserfall
...Seine liebe war wie ein Wasserfall, Erfrischend und rein, Er sah wie ein Prinz von weiten Lande, Seine Princessin wartet zu Hause fuer Ihn, Wiesen mit fruehlings Blumen, Voegel sangen ein huebsc......Read the rest...
Categories: lande, appreciation, devotion, faith, god,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry