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Labs Poems - Poems about Labs

Labs Poems - Examples of all types of poems about labs to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for labs.
Premium Member labs
...(a university-life vignette) It’s Saturday morning at about 9am. I’m in the chemistry lab, a sterile looking room with 12 workstations that are like multi level kitchen islands with sinks......Read the rest...
Categories: labs, angst, career, environment, humor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member circles and catcalls
...I’m standing in the common room, turning in circles. I’ve so many things to do, all at once, I can’t figure out which way to jump. A time management problem, I suppose, maybe I should have taken that......Read the rest...
Categories: labs, class, friend, friendship, humor,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Ice Effect
... Where have all my years gone? there I was a mere young now in a moment it seems 50 years gone here grey haired bones ache nothing won I've no memory of these lost years they are ......Read the rest...
Categories: labs, how i feel, imagination,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member In today's world, where the old citadels of disciplines have melted like mist at dawn
...In today's world, where the old citadels of disciplines have melted like mist at dawn, We now live in modern sanctuaries where the sky is pierced by towers of glass, A society of fitness temples, s......Read the rest...
Categories: labs, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Another pastor viral
...#Another_Pastor_viral Ancestors exchange grave turning with Christ, shame and tabooed, religion painted, men claiming and looting from the poorer, shaming and tainting the believe From calling t......Read the rest...
Categories: labs, abuse, africa, allah, baptism,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Love's Simplicity
...Old wisdom runs deep Like rivers through our bodies Heart speaks what mind knows Blood carries stories forward Through time's gentle flow Love flows in our veins Like songs sung by our p......Read the rest...
Categories: labs, love, simple, truth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Until Then was on a bleak afternoon, that Cancer came and abruptly announced "I am going to be with you for ever. follow me wherever I lead you. fight back if you can, rather if you dare, but indomitabl......Read the rest...
Categories: labs, cancer, death, feelings, pain,
Form: Free verse
Categories: labs, allah,
Form: Qawwali
Premium Member On Doctors day
... On Doctor’s day (dedicated to all doctors who heal the society) Busy wards where noise fills the air, those steady hands and humble hearts that care; Doctors help you walk through ......Read the rest...
Categories: labs, blessing, care, devotion, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Discerning Eye
...In the Gallery of Life, where deeds hang on display, Not all can see the masterpiece amidst the gray. For excellence, that rare and radiant art, It is visible only to the excellent heart. Like ......Read the rest...
Categories: labs, encouraging, endurance, passion,
Form: Rhyme
Who's Coming Down The Trail
...I’m moving down a forest trail, wooden canyon on my right side, above, on thermals, raptors glide, always inspires without fail. I hear a rustle before me, and wonder just who that could be? ......Read the rest...
Categories: labs, dream, history, imagery, imagination,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member we are all alone: totally wired
...Everything’s been frantic since the break. What people don’t tell you about college, is that you’re just tired ALL of the time. I’m so tired, yawn ‘scuse me. So if you’re planning to talk ......Read the rest...
Categories: labs, poems, school, self, sick,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Easter egg hunt
...Jesus would you walk with me To find the true pure Easter egg 12 hours of daylight so we must start early. For, there are many dropping them. On every open corner, one seems to be placed. Not e......Read the rest...
Categories: labs, faith,
Form: Free verse
After The Fall
...In the sameness of a day. Reaching to far can lose your way. In one blink of the future lost. You learn the devastating cost. You pick yourself up off the floor. Not knowing what is now in sto......Read the rest...
Categories: labs, allusion, assonance, destiny,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My Take on the Mixed Poetry Contest
...If you could look into your future and choose one day to see what would happen, what day would that be and why... I pick tomorrow. I wake up, have my coffee, sugar, and cream, then read emails,......Read the rest...
Categories: labs, allusion, analogy, anxiety, appreciation,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry