Kid Poems - Examples of all types of kid poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read
short, long, best, and famous poem examples for kid.
Solitary CreatureNew kid lost in a new world, when separated
from what was known and loved, alone when separated.
Some animals regrow lost parts of themselves: twisted limbs or tail.
Parasites die without another to depend on. They die...
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community, fate, kid, social,
Form: Ghazal
A SUNNY WINDY DAYPlanes streaking the skies...
Waving trees blinking the sun...
Kids soar paper planes......
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day, imagery, kid, metaphor,
Form: Haiku
BAREFOOT BROWN KIDDIESPoet’s Note : Robertson & Ashton are two small wine producing towns in the Karoo of South Africa. Robertson is known as the Town of Roses & Wine because it is exceedingly beautiful, yet the...
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kid, change, emotions, environment, farm,
Form: Political Verse
A Dance of Life IThe flame of life, a fragile spark,
Across generations, leaves its mark.
A single cell, a microscopic dance,
Begins the journey, given a chance.
Within the cradle, safe and warm,
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kid, baby, boy, child, for
Form: Rhyme
message to my parentsYou can let your gentle eyes rest tonight
I wont arrive in the morning light
Dont bother worring and crying
You can let your gentle eyes rest
Since you now dont have to see my face
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care, feelings, funeral, kid,
Form: Free verse
This amazing kid rappingWhen it came to the art of rappin',
the kid knew how to make it happen.
The scenes of a dark apocalypse
that gushed forth from his stormy lips
had all souls standing around clappin'....
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kid, 12th grade, art, music,
Form: Limerick
Big Kid Small TownWhen I was a kid, about ten,
Living in a very small town,
The streets were all gravel,
And I was free until sundown.
I would leave the house each day,
Ride my bike to get my friend,
And we would...
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kid, adventure, boy, child, childhood,
Form: Rhyme
GoodbyesWe said our goodbyes,
I wish I could remember it better.
I never thought much of it,
Never asked questions of it,
Never questioned your decision;
I never touched the wound again.
I looked around emotionless,
And saw mom sowing,
Her eyes locked...
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kid, dad, emotions, goodbye, innocence,
Form: Free verse
Free-WheelingFound my space to roller skate
Like I did when I was eight ...
Round, round and round the rink
Flashing lights of blue and pink
High above such trivial things
Skating the track of Saturn's rings,
Go, go, they...
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childhood, fantasy, fun, kid,
Form: Rhyme
Hatch• I found a tiny snake egg
• I wonder if it will hatch
• I've heard they'll hatch faster with heat
• So I lit it up with a match ...
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11th grade, animal, kid,
Form: Rhyme
a 'tyrant a sour ass' rumpbe...
in charge
of...the playground now...
and...cries "it's my ball"...
in range
of...a spoiled childs cries...
any good job i ever worked had its
applicant tests for such as relevant
personality and intellectual traits,
technical experience and knowledge
t-rumps's only test was of his greed...
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3rd grade, kid,
Form: Free verse
Just go to sleep, big boyDaddy kills the light.
Darkness screams black alarums.
Big boy shuts ears tight.
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angst, boy, child, kid,
Form: Senryu
Expand Your Bubble
We are all bubbles,
the more connects you expand,
helps you understand.
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confidence, education, kid,
Form: Haiku
Yogi Bear and Boo-boo TooOh, Jellystone Park, where echoes reside,
In the whispers of trees and the brook's gentle glide.
A haven of mischief, of laughter, of cheer,
Where two famous bears roam year after year.
Yogi, the leader, so quick with a...
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kid, adventure, animal, children, fun,
Form: Free verse
When I saw Dilly dallyWhen I saw Dilly dally
I thought, "Oh no, this kid's got to rally!
Cuz if he loses this race,
it'll be a total disgrace,
cuz this race was right up his alley.
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kid, 12th grade, encouraging, humorous,
Form: Light Verse
Specific Types of Kid Poems
Definition | What is Kid in Poetry?
Poems Related to Kid
boy, infant, daughter, son, youth, teenager, child, baby, girl, youngster, lad, bairn, juvenile, lass, tot, little one, joke, bother, tease, pretend, delude, flimflam, rag, razz, jest