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Kick Around Poems - Poems about Kick Around

Kick Around Poems - Examples of all types of poems about kick around to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for kick around.
Premium Member Kick the Boot- a Poetic Sale
...Kick the boot Kick the boot Put it in the net after we shoot Kick the boot Kick the boot Get a goal that would be a hoot Kick the boot Kick the boot I will pla......Read the rest...
Categories: kick around, beauty, business, cute, games,
Form: Rhyme
The City Park
...A schoolfriend kick-around Mr Whippy lurking at the gate Benched smoking friends with blue bagged camouflaged alcohol A new family stroll to encourage baby's sleep New cyclists concentrating O......Read the rest...
Categories: kick around, places,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Rocky Mountain Oysters
...Cookie, fire-up yer chuck wagon 'cause th' round-up is begun! Us cowpokes is gonna cull th' herd frum dawn to th' settin' sun! We is gonna supply you wid th' cookin's fer our chuck tonight; Heaps ......Read the rest...
Categories: kick around, humorous, work,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Rubber Roo
...The rubber roo is a fantastic work of art. Constructed of rubber, as to never fall apart. It has a large round head with little arms and legs. It strongly bares the resemblance of a hard boiled eg......Read the rest...
Categories: kick around, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Seventeen Almost Ready To Fly Off
...One more year before the wild bird flies her coop. Not bad. Bravo. Wise one. You are more than enough. Your optimism shines throughout your poems. You know yourself. Any idea how rare that is? ......Read the rest...
Categories: kick around, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Love Hate Comparisons
...I want to live in a healthy place, at least as mature as junior high school, where who I reciprocally love, gay or straight or span-sexually in-between, is not a political and economic football, ......Read the rest...
Categories: kick around, culture, hate, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Adult To Child
...Today he resigned, he filled out his notice, Today’s the day he departs, Today’s the day he stops life like an adult, And begins again, right from the start, So he threw out his brief case, s......Read the rest...
Categories: kick around, fun, health, humorous, nice,
Form: Quatrain
Kicking the Box
...Something to talk about thinking about the box What is in it What is made of ......Read the rest...
Categories: kick around, allusion, creation, introspection, poems,
Form: Free verse
Karma's New Years Revolution
...When you sit back and look at your life What can you see, Whats pops up in your mind Is it the people thats been nice and kind or the darkness creeping up from behind No matter who you are, the......Read the rest...
Categories: kick around, new year, racism, new
Form: Lyric
Premium Member King of the Cowards
...I try, I mean really try, to see the other side of any argument , but the senseless killings of Majestic animals for pleasure, is just plain SICK In Memory of Cecil the Lion King Of The Beast. (......Read the rest...
Categories: kick around, abuse, africa, animal, anxiety,
Form: Rhyme
Nuthin To Prove
...we've been abuses ueses beat down kick around we still got the grove to move on WE'VE NUTHIN TO PROVE......Read the rest...
Categories: kick around, addiction, black african american,
Form: Light Verse
Burning Graduation
...The rage inside me is sickening, never thought I would be on this side. Everybody always saw me on this side and being stuck, no support for me. Go ahead rub your rolled up beige papers in my face, a......Read the rest...
Categories: kick around, angst, me, me,
Form: Epitaph
In the Garden Populated With Flowers
...In the garden populated with flowers, red and budded, Resort robins birds, with inflated fluffy feathers. They fall in waves between the grass gushing in green And the impetus of a small purifying ......Read the rest...
© G M
Categories: kick around, art, love, nature, romance,
Form: Free verse
...Love is not a game. Love isn't something you can kick around and score points with. You don't win love. But you can loose love... Love is something that should be taken care of. It's s......Read the rest...
Categories: kick around, inspirational, life, lost love,
Form: Free verse
Who Am I
...Who am I I'm the one you tease Cause I'm different. I'm the one you bother Cause I'm just there. I'm the the mat you step on I'm the rock you kick around And you think you can control me Li......Read the rest...
Categories: kick around, black african american, inspirational,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry