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K Poems - Poems about K

K Poems - Examples of all types of poems about k to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for k.
Premium Member C D E F G H I J K L M N
Calico Cuban cats devouring a cheese cone Des Moines deer directing a driven drone Elmhurst elk writing out an elongated poem Fresno felines frolicking in feathery sea foam Gary’s gorillas grabbing themselves a grooming comb. Hanover’s hefty hags happily losing...Read the rest...
Categories: k, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: ABC
Premium Member U K hospital attacked 15 02 2025
Its concerning in the most.' That i saw no mainstream media post ' on forty people who were they ? Caused the Complete confusion a Birmingam city health institution.' How Low can things go.? Perhaps Quyeer Karma...Read the rest...
Categories: k, absence, abuse, anxiety,
Form: Rhyme

I am the bitter taste of gall
Is it wierd how my scars ache when I think of her (unbled blades, tap of streaming tears) Is it odd how I wish to kick, stab, bludgeon her (the dog hung within the gallows, mellow...Read the rest...
Categories: k, death, dog, horror, mother,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

K now
Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow never comes. Don't forget about your present. Open that gift today. Let go all your grudges, Judgments, Past mistakes, Watch the route today makes. Illusive Tomorrow, The valiant foe. Teasing us, It'll never show, It's yesterday's shadow. Look to your present, Go with the flow, For...Read the rest...
Categories: k, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member J K L M N O P Q R S T
jumble of juicy jaguars justified kicking kangaroo king’s left side looking lovely ladies in waiting lied. making merry mischief, feeling mystified nervous nymphets getting a gentle glide onset of ordinary outstanding ocelot who can barely abide perfectly persnickety penguins parading patriot...Read the rest...
Categories: k, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: ABC

Premium Member Food finders hub dot co dot U K
Food thats good i beleive you'll find? raw milk Not the usual, therm-ed out kind. Link up with farmers, you can volunteer!! Supply some spirit, spread more cheer The bowler hatted farmer knows' his Onions along with dear old...Read the rest...
Categories: k, celebrity, character, confidence, courage,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member O-K-A-Y
Your answer is as helpful as the ‘ay’ in Okay , when i asked you who she was. Nothing about your non-existent reassurance and understanding is OK Having to fundamentally teach a grown man what...Read the rest...
Categories: k, absence, change, how i
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Rememberance Sunday U K
Upon the anniversary of soldiers who fought and died When the moment comes to mark that sacrifice' when starmer steps and strides, a wreath of treachery to lay Then watch as the veterans turn.' As they express Britians Anger,...Read the rest...
Categories: k, appreciation, education, endurance,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sofa Chances
Sofa Chances A veteran who served this land Employed by a sofa shop In Bethesda, Maryland Made an afternoon delivery stop Lovely lady came to...Read the rest...
Categories: k, conflict, fun, giggle, nonsense,
Form: Rhyme
b r o k e n
waiting for rupture eyes leak in a hazy daze patience drains the soul ...Read the rest...
Categories: k, baby, blue, cry,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Lockdown extended U K
There's supposed to be an out break of bluetounge in cows? It started in Sandwich in Kent, reports allow! I heard if it Last year, its no threat to humans to contract' it does not Affect their produce,...Read the rest...
Categories: k, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member They're breaking; bad'
I saw a stage..Maybe you did to? Where two strong men met My estimation grew..' I felt of hope; relief..' Maybe? An opening to grow.? Of an accord so many used to know.' The chance to build...Read the rest...
Categories: k, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Jeremiah chapter thirty five k j v
The Lord is faithfull.! Thesselonians ch 3 v 3-5 Jerimiah in the midst of the rebbelious people, had taken Note of a sobdrly clad 'new group to his awareness' he made Enquiry at the market stalls, and was told...Read the rest...
Categories: k, appreciation, education, endurance,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member K K K
Kant komment keener Loony labour greens and teals Liberal loosers Rorts and squeals..Alphabet soup They they can't connect.' Their voice was rejected.' Whars up next? Reckless toothles renewable fuels Concocted by morons, and peddled By fools.' Elbows comrades gather round Theres Michelle Rowland as...Read the rest...
Categories: k, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I J K L M N Poem
injured iguanas ignite interest in Indonesia’s injuries Jubilant jackals joyfully joined January jealous juries kind-hearted kangaroos kindled koala’s kaleidoscopic kin large luxurious lions lollygagged in London lamented Lynn marinated mongooses marveled at Marauder’s mini-Monday Naysayers need not negate necessary niggling...Read the rest...
Categories: k, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: ABC

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