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Jumps Poems - Poems about Jumps

Jumps Poems - Examples of all types of poems about jumps to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for jumps.

Premium Member Desanctimonius Jumps In - In Trump's Own Words
Little upstart, young showboat Lots of bluster full of gloat, Been there minutes, thinks he knows, Blind ambition and it shows. They say he's bright and tough to boot, Compared to me, now that's a hoot, What's Yale and Harvard, simply...Read the rest...
Categories: jumps, funny, humor, leadership, parody,
Form: Quatrain
Tizall Frizall Meddler Jumps In the Middle
Loving includes Me and you Something to do Just because It makes sense Ain't no way round it We gotta Plot our path as we go Reherstals are over It's time for the Show Can't be reconnected If I ain't. never been Part of the group Getting fitted means Something specail If...Read the rest...
Categories: jumps, anti bullying, art, business,
Form: Bio

Premium Member Joanne Jumps Over Skyscrapers
Joanne jumps like a deranged jack rabbit, my grandma said. I have seen her leap over sofas, cars, and a firetruck red. Her legs are longer than your Dad’s or Uncle Ed. She hops over skyscrapers, my confused...Read the rest...
Categories: jumps, age,
Form: Monorhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member A Silver Fish Jumps
The forest is painted hues of green, with deep shaded places to hide. Birds are singing and twittering a song, the different tweets mingling; falling to a deep hush. Trees form a cathedral like canopy, all the gnarled limbs twisting...Read the rest...
Categories: jumps, nature,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Cow Jumps Through Magic Mirrror
Jumping through a clear looking glass on a summers day Cow turned into a bullfrog painted in a harmless way With oversized polka dots painted on her skin so gray Cow enjoyed imagination land and...Read the rest...
Categories: jumps, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Monorhyme

Star Jumps
I love the way your boobs Bounce up and down When you do star jumps It's so amazing to see You sporty lady...Read the rest...
Categories: jumps, for her, satire, sexy,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member - Split Jumps -
Cool fluffy Red squirrel, makes brave split jumps - Comical...Read the rest...
Categories: jumps, animal, cute, nature,
Form: Tetractys
Premium Member Trixie Jumps Into the Fray
Nutter Butter. Almond Joy, Mounds Bars, and Cherry Mash. Those candy manufacturers know how to name to get their cash. We contenders scoff; we snicker and sneer. The toymaker crazy idea brigade has just arrived here. Someone throws out,...Read the rest...
Categories: jumps, funny, humor, muse, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Sparrow Jumps
Sparrow jumps In alarm when you tempt me To make love to you...Read the rest...
Categories: jumps, absence,
Form: Haiku
Squirrel Jumps
Squirrel jumping trees Careful not to fall to ground Back lawn needs mowing...Read the rest...
Categories: jumps, animal, nature,
Form: Haiku

Book: Reflection on the Important Things