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Jotting Poems - Poems about Jotting

Jotting Poems - Examples of all types of poems about jotting to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for jotting.
Up And Life Below
...Life is high and low state Depending on how you assimilate things The eyes is the window of your soul Your perception differs the meaning On top your sight is too sharp Even the slightest moveme......Read the rest...
Categories: jotting, life, meaningful, perspective, spiritual,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member January
... Justly, the old year ends; Jabbed by New Year's Ball to Journey down fresh, rich starts. Junk lame ways, create change- Joy to have first month's slate; Jotting down thoughts anew- ......Read the rest...
Categories: jotting, january, tribute,
Form: Pleiades

Premium Member No Rhyme or Reason
...No rhyme or reason just jotting words down could I put them together for a thought profound Sometimes it all comes together sometimes not Read and read them over nothing close to plot Crumple t......Read the rest...
Categories: jotting, poems, poetry, write, writing,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Thoughts From Right Before
...The sheer amount of overflowing, fuming, fumbling feelings Might explain or clarify the lack of my coherence Hastily I’m jotting down the first thing I think up Stretched out silence floods my ......Read the rest...
Categories: jotting, heartbroken, sea, suicide,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I have reference books muse Trixie does not allow us to have writers block or even writers slow down or writers caution our words jump onto a page easily and quickly where do they come from? I have reference books ......Read the rest...
Categories: jotting, books, writing,
Form: Free verse

The Score
...Life is like score After the jotting is done There is next to come.......Read the rest...
Categories: jotting, appreciation, life, sports,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Remastered
...We enter the studio of life with a portion of our album already recorded. Some of the songs we inherit leave us distorted. A number of tunes could have been woven together through a history of hearta......Read the rest...
Categories: jotting, encouraging, inspiration, metaphor,
Form: Free verse
Writing and Reading
...And I set off, on this journey of writing It seems impossible but exciting I am Imagining, who is going to be my victim The one who will read my handwriting Well, problem solved, thanks to typi......Read the rest...
Categories: jotting, growth, imagination, words,
Form: Free verse
...I am jotting down blueprints... Mapped out as such to give hints. As if a gun comprising trigger... Planned as such for something bigger. Creative writing I am making... Yours for optional tak......Read the rest...
Categories: jotting, creation, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
One-Time Visit
...Written By: D. Collins 6/18/24 We get a one-time visit through ups and downs of life. Some of them are good, and some cut like a knife.......Read the rest...
Categories: jotting, life,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Premium Member creative minds
...Ideas flowing pen and paper is handy jotting every line......Read the rest...
Categories: jotting, writing,
Form: Senryu
To Write Or Not To Write
...A pen and paper on the desk Wondering what I will write next Something silly, fun or scary Maybe I will make you teary With the words and lines I wrote From all of my little notes Jotting down ......Read the rest...
Categories: jotting, poetry, poets, writing,
Form: Rhyme
Better Again
...Better again On get quote this Stopped wi the wrangles Complex focus Offering angles Left with the hurt Top wi the spin An ethic of work Offer a win It’s got to be Say as it lives ......Read the rest...
Categories: jotting, class, inspiration,
Form: Rhyme
Mornings With Love
...If all moments Were as sweet as warm mornings! As, just by seeing you Races my heart Pacing my thoughts to shout aloud... I might not be graced Blessed with a chance to hold you tight Right......Read the rest...
Categories: jotting, beautiful, cute love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member She Wants To Show She Still Has a Man
...Attending flower show with wife, Mr. Mouse feels dread. She ignores him completely, and runs way up ahead. Jotting down notes, and shushing him every single time. He wants to stay home, but she fe......Read the rest...
Categories: jotting, humorous,
Form: Rhyme

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