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Jeweler Poems - Poems about Jeweler

Jeweler Poems - Examples of all types of poems about jeweler to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for jeweler.
Premium Member The Truth Would Be Nice
...Brand new Rolex watch! A gift from her best friend One day it just stops working so she has to take it in Watchmaker says, "Not worth it, the flat Cyclops proves it's fake" This news is so upse......Read the rest...
Categories: jeweler, appreciation, best friend, boyfriend,
Form: Rhyme
Best of me
...Best of me! 1. I always saw the world in shapes, You know it's my only escape I never had a need to keep my cake - Cause life doesn't work that way. 2. I spent my l......Read the rest...
Categories: jeweler, i love you, love,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member What of A Pearl?
...The wonders of a salted spec, an intruder of the calm, slip secretly by slightest surge into some open being, drawn. Creation in the making by no jeweler of this world. Hidden from the human......Read the rest...
Categories: jeweler, nature, ocean, sea,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member An Open Shut Case
...I was an experienced interior designer, whose specialty was outer doors, Ever opening to amber sunshine, as petals open, when vivid beams pour. Functionality and beauty were very vital, s......Read the rest...
Categories: jeweler, fantasy, flower, imagery, lost,
Form: Couplet
Wooden Nickels and Silver Prawns
...Accent De Capo He loves a great secret. His job often meant that he would prepare people for things due to them. He handled millionaire Tristeier Didier's inheritance. She was a waitre......Read the rest...
Categories: jeweler, adventure, baby, encouraging, engagement,
Form: Ballad

Part of the Herd
...If I repeat a common thought If I regurgitate a popular word Or, if I remain quiet Does it make me part of the herd? The herd that thinks the same thoughts They recapitulate the same words Or......Read the rest...
Categories: jeweler, anger, angst, confidence, crazy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Natural Finery
...Natural Finery Gazing out the window from a coffee shop, came an image that changed the world. Like a breath of fresh air, light and refreshing, that could be immediately enjoyed in the lu......Read the rest...
Categories: jeweler, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Diamond Rain
...Diamond rain sends me into drizzlosis, celestial sound cannot be spoken of; There’s no way to articulate the hits or the vision as it falls from above; Clarity that human eyes haven’t seen, cu......Read the rest...
Categories: jeweler, emotions, music, silence, space,
Form: Sonnet
The Value of a Life
...A young man once asked of God, “What is the value of a life?” God answered him, “Take this shiny stone, Determine its value without ever giving it up, And you will get your answer.” The young......Read the rest...
Categories: jeweler, life, philosophy,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member Ava and the Jeweler
...Today was a special day for us…for Ava our granddaughter… and for our friend Kim…who happens to be a jeweler too but this is a story that begins 16 years ago…so let me now review: That’s when Av......Read the rest...
Categories: jeweler, friendship, inspiration, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member An Old Chunk of Glass
...Random trinkets tossed into a box Costume jewelry, or so they thought, Came a jeweler with a loup, a sly fox Sorted junk, for a treasure he sought With luck he hit paydirt this fine day He fou......Read the rest...
Categories: jeweler, irony, success,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Maple Leaf Brooch
... the brooch is the sugar maple shape of Canada's national tree created by the jeweler Aspry &Co with many dazzling brilliant cut diamonds inherited by Queen Elizabeth 11 in 2002 from her ......Read the rest...
Categories: jeweler, history,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Crest
...diamond cut rings master jeweler resides --- designs eternal 18 August 2022......Read the rest...
Categories: jeweler, god, mountains, nature,
Form: Haiku
Mummy Vacation
...Dear friends, Please let me explain I am normally gone From the break of Spring Until now... Every year I begin with a show And in this year As some might know I began with a Bang......Read the rest...
Categories: jeweler, money, mum, mystery,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Funeral of a Friend We Never Knew
...Today was a different day for Deborah and I…let me now review… We decided to attend a funeral of a person we never knew… To understand our reasoning…why this is not as crazy as it appears…we must......Read the rest...
Categories: jeweler, friendship,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry