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Jehovah Poems - Poems about Jehovah

Jehovah Poems - Examples of all types of poems about jehovah to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for jehovah.
Premium Member Without Words Which May Displease
How then shall I show love for our sisterhood? Our mother’s baby birthed on this joyous day A festive time with wishes ‘happy’ and good No balloon filled room, cake,...Read the rest...
Categories: jehovah, appreciation, birth, birthday, sister,
Form: Ottava rima
do ya think Jehovah iz Listening
Categories: jehovah, baptism, blessing, words,
Form: Carpe Diem

Premium Member Dictation From The Almighty Jehovah
The most beautiful proses or poems Were divinely dictated by the Almighty. I'm not immersing in some profound dreams. Needless to say, I'm neither inebriated not crazy. Believe me, just like the verses in the Bible, Many poems came from...Read the rest...
Categories: jehovah, books, god, heaven, humanity,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Jehovah Eloheenu-
Jehovah Eloheeny You are Lord our maker Grace and mercy O' I part take of you So endowed I am your child My soul praise loud I am your child Hallelujah Grace and mercy O' I part take of you So endowed...Read the rest...
Categories: jehovah, caregiving, celebration, inspirational love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sand Witch
There is a new villain New on the scene Diabolical and willing To be nasty mean green She goes around stealing Sleep hope good dreams Makes nightmares chilling Of Sandman's sweet dreams The Sand Witch is who I'm talking squawking about She feeds your...Read the rest...
Categories: jehovah, character, fantasy, fear, halloween,
Form: Rhyme

Jehovah Send Your Power
Jehovah send your power , today! The power of doing miracle , hallelujah!  Christ Jesus send your strength,  today ! The strength of doing your work ,hallelujah! Holy Spirit come to comfort sick people, today ! And people...Read the rest...
Categories: jehovah, christian, encouraging, inspirational, song,
Form: Rhyme
Dear Jehovah God , Prayer
Lord of the Only heavenly father Who cares for people I love you dear God Continue helping friends and Relatives daily I will continue Praising and gloryfing you Mostly Jehovah. I his mighty...Read the rest...
Categories: jehovah, encouraging, prayer,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member You Are My God -Jehovah Eli
The Lord is mine He's my God He's mine, He's mine, He's mine The Lord is my God He's mine , He's mine, He's mine Jehovah Eli wonderful marvelous Jehovah Eli Savior Almighty Jehovah-Eli created...Read the rest...
Categories: jehovah, appreciation, devotion, father, god,
Form: Lyric
Jehovah El Roi
I I am good seed, by Grace Seed of Abraham The new testament says One seed, many fruit in the nations (ethnoi) But is my fruit good By worldly terms, Yes By biblical standards, No - And does it hurt Sometines, for...Read the rest...
Categories: jehovah, abuse, bible, character, discrimination,
Form: Free verse
Devoted Lover Faults Cover
There’s no way one’s devoted lover Won’t one’s weaknesses and faults cover; Tell big fools that one is in clover: Who nears not maps Driver of Rover From Tunis to far-away Dover And would in helicopters hover, All to The Glory...Read the rest...
Categories: jehovah, appreciation, character, devotion, love,
Form: Rhyme
Marvelous Jehovah
MARVELOUS JEHOVAH: I can feel the blowing of the wind, Yet, my eyes can't tell it's origination. The celestial bodies keep shinning down here, Causing a strong bright light to appear. There's no one seen fanning them. The birds are seen...Read the rest...
Categories: jehovah, god, jesus,
Form: Personification
Jehovah Reigns
JEHOVAH REIGNS: All in the hands of Beelzebub! The tempter of mankind, The ancient adversary of GOD, Who can never over throw Jehovah. Why does he causes men to fall; By explicitly seducing men from ages to ages... Corrupts and blesses them...Read the rest...
Categories: jehovah, destiny, god, gospel, inspiration,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Jehovah Knows All
Jehovah knows all secrets kept Jehovah knows where you wept Our maker knows your pain and woes and when you grieve, Jehovah knows. Jehovah knows you from the start before your birth, inside your heart the times your loyalty stood strong… Jehovah...Read the rest...
Categories: jehovah, god,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Jehovah Nissi - the Lord Is Our Banner - Exodus 14: 13,14
Moses brings us to his wilderness wanderings leading God's people all the way through many hardships experienced on the road this battle was for real hope always ever new The message for these Israelites that their leader conveyed to their...Read the rest...
Categories: jehovah, bible, god, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Jehovah God Created Colors
Poem #47 ...Read the rest...
Categories: jehovah, bible, encouraging,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry