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Itch Poems - Poems about Itch

Itch Poems - Examples of all types of poems about itch to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for itch.
The Itch She Cannot Scratch
she sits at the bar near chamberlain high school, her nails chewed to nothing, a lipstick smear on the rim of her glass. the men orbit her like moths, drawn to her heat, but she keeps her eyes on the...Read the rest...
Categories: itch, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Itch Does A Squirrel Know It's A Squirrel? *** First of All: Why Would That Be My Name? I Like It, But It's Ridiculous, Random. Characterized By Bias That's Required For Words to Have Any Meaning At All. *** Does Your Experience Convey Enough To Hear What I Say? *** Their Greatest Fault Is Nobody's Fault. *** Now... Skitter Away. -Gray...Read the rest...
Categories: itch, life,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member To Pitch a B itch
I often post my poems “A I” - (AS IS) Spelchek uses “R”s and I don’t We us “H’s” instead (we paahk R caahs in Haavaad yaad) We’ve been known To pitch a B itch Mostly about those F-N...Read the rest...
Categories: itch, fun, humor, language,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Unscratched itch
I have a weakness for golden blond hair, and light shade of blue in mascara eyes, that new recruit in office next door, I brushed past her as I came up a floor, and she is got them, she...Read the rest...
Categories: itch, abuse, age, cute love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Unscratched itch
my brain says to itch I meditate not to itch mind over matter the longer I don't my mind is a raging mess mind over matter I cave in to itch I scratch and scratch and scratch - awe...Read the rest...
Categories: itch, life,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Unscratched Itch
If people have some sort of yearning, dissatisfaction or some itch that hasn't been scratched, it might be because they aren't looking in the right direction for a solution. They aren't looking within. ...Read the rest...
Categories: itch, happy,
Form: Rhyme
Unscratched Itch
Folks of the suburbs sting thy heart Tongues of mosquitos suck thy soul Stories leak no finish nor start The histamine I can’t control Spreads out from cranium to my toe. All lips kiss thy cheek for one goal. Pictures...Read the rest...
Categories: itch, anxiety, confidence, depression, society,
Form: Terza Rima
Premium Member Unscratched Itch
Like uncared unfulfilled wishes creeping to the fore Irresistible! Impossible, yet? Dilemmatic? Shy about removing the robe that might reveal the core Could the cut be covered with the costliest cosmetic? Disgruntled, like a lion brooding over a...Read the rest...
Categories: itch, conflict, life,
Form: Sonnet
UNSCRATCHED ITCH It is a desperate need, an unscratched itch I must walk away and just forget the past Like playing roulette and hoping to get rich But it is a different kind of die that’s cast Be it odd...Read the rest...
Categories: itch, irony,
Form: Ottava rima
Premium Member Scratch the Itch
Illustrious Phantom You chase My desire For satisfaction As I chase you Hither and thither Like the rainbow's end Always just out of reach Escalating intensity or just A trick of the cruel mind Dancing across my skin Infiltrating my sanity As a ghostly feather...Read the rest...
Categories: itch, beautiful, deep, feelings, poetry,
Form: Free verse
My Teeth Itch
When you kiss me Like you love me It makes my teeth itch Palms rattle with the force Of a hurricane In your childhood room Shoelaces knotted Like a noose Around my brain....Read the rest...
Categories: itch, dream, emotions, first love,
Form: Free verse
Tourists in new shoes Looking for the blues of news Every one a David Bailey Selfie mad and share me crazy Man and woman dog and Have , you , scratched that selfie itch?...Read the rest...
Categories: itch, self,
Form: Free verse
The Itch To Bring Off a Crime
Let me my audience a bit corrupt, My peaceful society dare disrupt, Protests by The Righteous erupt From fears one might The Taught adopt! If the itch is to bring off crime, Then feel this other itch of Time; I tell...Read the rest...
Categories: itch, addiction, cry, evil, money,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Dog's Itch
*Image of Queen's Corgi Whisper by MetroN. A Dog's Itch Sepulchral presence seeps a dream, Nightmarish thoughts spirit the theme, Fortunate beseech blest pleasance, Seeps a dream sepulchral presence. Endless priors fruitless outcome, Undying fail roughly succumb, Deathly hallows a field day fires, Fruitless...Read the rest...
Categories: itch, anxiety, deep, dog, dream,
Form: Quatrain
What's the P-Itch
At midnight Arthur fell asleep. It was prevented to be deep, he felt an itching on his head. The unknown made the man´s flesh creep, it maddened him. But look ahead! He stumbled on the book he´d read, then took a...Read the rest...
Categories: itch, animal, humorous, insect, night,
Form: Rubaiyat

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