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Ita Poems - Poems about Ita

Ita Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ita to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ita.
Premium Member Its Summer Its Hot
...In Northern Europe its hot, in Britain its not, its Windy with rain; fir the media ita a pain ' their Narrative is not, about vairiables.. (its hot!) They Need crisis its plain.' So they create an......Read the rest...
Categories: ita, appreciation, conflict, international,
Form: Rhyme
Beautiful Childhood
...You won't und'stand if you d'nt experience it, My fatherland is where I cut my poetry teeth. 'Tis also the place where I had a splendid childhood, Naija- where we cruise our tyres around the hood;......Read the rest...
Categories: ita, childhood,
Form: Rhyme

The Noise
...The noise The noise was silently deafening It was the loudness of my mind. Thoughts were running riot & loose Conjuring up insane madness in their find. I was blinded by the darkness Of the night ......Read the rest...
Categories: ita, beautiful, blessing, celebration, devotion,
Form: Blank verse
Time For Change
...time to make a stand together we must band some will say your insane ita TIME FOR CHANGE......Read the rest...
Categories: ita, america,
Form: Prose Poetry
...Here is a cacophony, voice from inside All alone in a new place, a goodbye to riverside Here comes the change, farewell to my old days Mediocre girl,so halcyon, a new place to stay Inexorable......Read the rest...
Categories: ita, angel, art, beautiful, beauty,
Form: Free verse

Oh My Poems
... oh my poems just look at them these words could never match up got a pair ita a two card deck stretch out my lines linesmen bet between them beautifully defined wind ......Read the rest...
Categories: ita, art,
Form: Free verse
The Noise
...The noise was silently deafening It was the loudness of my mind. Thoughts were running riot & loose Conjuring up insane madness in their find. I was blinded by the darkness Of the night skies ......Read the rest...
Categories: ita, body, fear, mystery, natural
Form: Free verse
Moving Up Team
...ita fact we had a set back some us had tears some of us had fear in god we must trust this is not a dream get on that MOVING UP TEAM......Read the rest...
Categories: ita, anger,
Form: Light Verse
...Mafunzo ya kupata mtoto haiitaji tution chukua OPTION ya kuumiza matress na cussion but decision isikue abortion is the OPTION ilikua date 2 month 2 alipomuamb......Read the rest...
Categories: ita, abortion, age, birth, community,
Form: Prose Poetry
Why I Sing the Blues
...ita all about me how hard ship be I sing this thing my eyes rain for all my hard pain and the bad news that's WHY I SING THE BLUES......Read the rest...
Categories: ita, adventure, feelings,
Form: Light Verse
Sprung Like a Love Song
...Baby got it going on....and when its right its so fly I'll never ever do any better so why even try Baby I ain't ever gonna do you wrong.....and I know its taken to lon......Read the rest...
Categories: ita, heart,
Form: Ballad
New Day New You must be open mindley ita new time kept kept this in mind walk pround its a have some say TOO NEW DAY NEW YOU......Read the rest...
Categories: ita, adventure, beautiful,
Form: Light Verse
In Ultimul Ceas
...O cortina asurzitoare cade anun?ând prin cei patru ca foametea a încetat, iar totul e infinit. Caut o lumina, dar culori amare ma orbesc. Bezna ma-nconjoara, ne cuprinde pe toti; ochii nu-mi......Read the rest...
Categories: ita, absence, bible, death, depression,
Form: Free verse
Court Date
...this you must do ita you all about to fixs it got ticket don't complate kept the COUR DATE......Read the rest...
Categories: ita, abuse, adventure,
Form: Prose Poetry
Hands and Feet
...hands talk feet walk you need both to poke with them you mope ita a treat make life complete to have HANDS AND FEET......Read the rest...
Categories: ita, adventure, desire,
Form: Light Verse

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