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Ismael Poems - Poems about Ismael

Ismael Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ismael to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ismael.
The Psalm 83 War has only just begun part four
...What are the modern names of the nations of both the Edomites and the Ismaelites? The modern nation of both the Moabites and the Ammonities is the nation of Jordan, which directly boarders with Isr......Read the rest...
Categories: ismael, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Prose Poetry
The Psalm 83 War has already just begun part two
...Part two will focus on the ancient names of the Psalm 83's collation of the nation's of Israel's closet neighbors; which want to have it no longer remem bered as a nation, on the face of the earth......Read the rest...
Categories: ismael, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Prose

Friends Who Stayed
...I said assurance was better suited Trying as we might gaining an insight into my life He told me he was Ismael who served me a Mezze for breakfast Friend I told you to stay Watching the grey cl......Read the rest...
Categories: ismael, allegory, angel, appreciation,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

If I Would Have Known
...If I would have known you wouldn’t be here I would have stopped worrying about the small stuff I would have held you tighter and said “I love you “more often If I would have known you w......Read the rest...
Categories: ismael, appreciation, death, i love
Form: Free verse
My Child Nursery Rhyme
...Ismael ask his mother, as he climbed upon her knee Please tell the story one more time, the one that’s about me His mother smiled kindly, said let’s get into bed and once he was all tucked in this......Read the rest...
Categories: ismael, father, love, mother son,
Form: Rhyme

O Muslim
...Come O Muslim, Come Back to Our God, The Holy Trinity One Lord, Before late it be, Come O Muslim, Come back before Damnation do thou see Can you not reason out of heart, That you have been Misl......Read the rest...
Categories: ismael, allah, christian, islamic, jesus,
Form: Political Verse
In Sacred Marriage
...I-n S-acred M-arriage A-lmighty's E-ssential L-aws & L-iterally E-mploy I-mportant L-esson's A-dmonition Topic: Anniversary of Ismael & Leila Gumawid (January 17) Form: ......Read the rest...
Categories: ismael, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic
Extraordinary Love
...I-mmeasurable S-weetness M-irthfully A-pplies E-xtraordinary L-ove & R-ightfully U-sing T-he H-appy L-ife's E-uphoric D-elight D-espite A-nguish Topic: Anniversary of Ismael &......Read the rest...
Categories: ismael, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic
Letting Event Implement Love
...I-nspired S-cribe M-arvelously A-uthors E-xcellent L-ines & L-etting E-vent I-mplement L-ove A-s G-reeter U-ses M-atrimonial A-nniversary W-ith I-mportant D-edication Topic......Read the rest...
Categories: ismael, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic
Everlasting Devotion
...I-t S-eems M-arriage A-nd E-ndless L-ove & R-eally U-se T-he H-eart's L-ifetime E-verlasting D-evotion D-espite A-dversaries Topic: Anniversary of Ismael & Ruth Ledda (June 19......Read the rest...
Categories: ismael, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic
Inspired Scribe
...I-nspired S-cribe M-arvelously A-uthors E-xcellent L-iterary G-reeting U-sing M-essage A-bout W-arm I-mportant D-ay Topic: Birthday of Ismael M. Gumawid (September 27) Form: Vertic......Read the rest...
Categories: ismael, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Sacred Matrimony
...I-n S-acred M-atrimony A-n E-ndlessL-ove & L-ets E-vangelical I-nstruction L-ast A-s G-od U-ses M-arriage A-dvancing W-edlock's I-mp ortant D-ecree Topic: Anniversary of Is......Read the rest...
Categories: ismael, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic
A Merry Band of Adventurers Part 1 of 2
...There Are A Thousand Treasures Of Kings Worth More, Than All The Wealth, There Could Be ! Some Say, It’s In A Kingdom Of Dreams Others Say, It’s As Real As You & Me The Legend Says, There’s A Kingdo......Read the rest...
Categories: ismael, adventure, fantasy, friendship, poetry,
Form: Ballad
...The custom of sacrificing halal animals On the day of Eid-Ul-Azha Derives from a fact of Prophet Abraham and Prophet Ismael Which is known to many people Across the globe. God can take away from you......Read the rest...
Categories: ismael, faith, inspirational, philosophy, religion,
Form: Free verse
...Prophet Ebrahim held his son in his arms He knew the child will come to no harm Tears of happiness shone in his eyes He seemed free from earthly ties Allah had commanded him He knew the task ahe......Read the rest...
Categories: ismael, faith
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry