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Invincible Poems - Poems about Invincible

Invincible Poems - Examples of all types of poems about invincible to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for invincible.
Premium Member I am Invincible
I am orange red and yellow Swirling in enthusiasm Excited about life A cartoonist, painter, writer Possibly a poet, Somedays much better than others My life has gone by quickly I have survived many car wrecks Thanks to a heavy accelerator foot I feel...Read the rest...
Categories: invincible, me,
Form: Free verse
Sometimes, You feel disenchanted because you just want to take a break from the insipid course of life. Sometimes, You are fed up to the extent that you may fall apart like a house of cards...Read the rest...
Categories: invincible, appreciation, confidence, emotions, faith,
Form: Prose

Premium Member Invincible
exult, newlyweds you're truly invincible ~ aaarrrgghh! toilet seat's wet...Read the rest...
Categories: invincible, funny, marriage, relationship, strength,
Form: Senryu

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

She is broken and beautiful Shining in the highlight of your stories Nothing is invincible Let her light be the glory To shine upon your face To bring you pain...Read the rest...
Categories: invincible, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I Am Invincible I Cannot Be Killed
I am invincible. I cannot be killed. I cannot die. I have wondered why. I call out to God “Thank you!” I say. Thinking this will be my death day today. I have had car wrecks that would have...Read the rest...
Categories: invincible, self,
Form: Free verse

Invisible Yet Invincible
Invisible yet invincible By Michelle Morris 17/10/2021 A tender moment between a mother and her babe nuzzling for nourishment creating a bond so great Beyond comprehension invisible yet invincible forever in consciousness forever merged hearts and souls Forged in blood in late night feedings early...Read the rest...
Categories: invincible, baby, love, mom, mother,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Here's To That Invincible Bunch
In the U S March is Women's History Month, and tomorrow, March 8, is International Women's Day. So, ladies everywhere, this piece is for you. Salud! You are woman, so defined, You are perfectly designed, Every aspect of...Read the rest...
Categories: invincible, appreciation, tribute, women,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Invincible
Feels invisible... Still, will as invincible As his ideals. Destroyed the impossible, To become most powerful....Read the rest...
Categories: invincible, allusion, character, hero, power,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Invincible
Some days, I feel lost and alone, Like the brightest star has fallen, leaving A deep, dark hole inside of me Some days, I feel such doubt and despair, Like the dried flower who lingers on the stem Miserable, withering,...Read the rest...
Categories: invincible, blessing, christian, faith, hope,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Invincible Birthday Candle
'The Greatest ... the Most Superb ... The Invincible Birthday Candle ..!’ It was at the peak of its career, It was much too hot to handle. Its boasts always waxed, never waned, It made the other candles sick, Its bragging...Read the rest...
Categories: invincible, birthday, bullying, celebration, fate,
Form: Rhyme
Invincible Crown
You stare unto my body, and you see a woman You’d glance at every inch, from head to toe As if I have granted each and everyone A ticket to their own definition Of who I am and what’s...Read the rest...
Categories: invincible, beauty, body, fear, freedom,
Form: Free verse
Invencível Desde sempre a pessoa invencível é aquela que nunca se perturba por nada fora de seu controle. Na vida e nos negócios tudo que está debaixo do seu controle é fazer mais e mais....Read the rest...
Categories: invincible, business,
Form: Free verse
I'll walk through ice and numbing snow Though slaying cold be its freezing feel, And trek through roasting deserts drear, Taxing grip betwixt soil and mortal heel. Not lonely climes shall my strides deter Though forbidding such motions...Read the rest...
Categories: invincible, allegory, allusion, character,
Form: Bio
Premium Member Invincible In the Evening
We do things in the evening when the moon is scanty We would never have the courage to do in daylight This is the quintessential falling in love time When the moon gives us a glimmer of a...Read the rest...
Categories: invincible, eve,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member An Invincible Spirit
I am convinced that any mortal man is more aware of his invincible spirit, more enraged than a rebel not being trampled by fear: I can't defy death and not be lowered into that cold grave, that deep pit...Read the rest...
Categories: invincible, appreciation, character, confidence, desire,
Form: Rhyme

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