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Interfaith Poems - Poems about Interfaith

Interfaith Poems - Examples of all types of poems about interfaith to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for interfaith.

Premium Member Green Mediation Meditations
A multi-religious mediator's mission might include supporting InterFaith Green Communion And might organize community-based EmPowerment and Enlightenment Missions to cooperatively organize polyculturally resonant Voices To enact and advocate, to gospel sing and liturgically dance to empower Eastern metaphysical contextualists and enlighten Western physical embodied...Read the rest...
Categories: interfaith, appreciation, caregiving, community, earth
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Faith Invites Love
My healthiest ego-loving master plan converses in truth and beauty communions with my wealthiest imagined eco-habitat mistressingly designed For co-invested cooperative master planned in win/win work distressing play, mysteriously mighty curious BiNomials, all double-capital eccentric UnCentric neither positive or negative bipolar yet both positive and negative dipolar to become regeneratively healthy enlivened enspirited enlightened BiNomial awareness means...Read the rest...
Categories: interfaith, deep, earth day, easter,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Red Justice But Green Peace
HeteroSapiens have bipolar developed miraculous capacities to stretch and blur legitimate moral peace initiatives subordinate to licit legal judicial systems Judiciously approved punishment for misdemeanors felonies, cardinal and moral and carnal and original sins requiring flat fees regardless of capacity to pay, imprisonment, enslavement, lynching, beheading, burning at the stake, chemical injections, Capital disembodied punishments NOT...Read the rest...
Categories: interfaith, culture, earth day, health,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Reverend Listens
I spoke with Reverend Laura today. She listened curiously more than merely patiently, actively more than barely politely, as I noticed her questions in this sacred space of co-empathic listening, dialogue, discussion, discernment Of where we are heading and behinding, progressing and healing, to speak with other Reverends and Doctors and Nurses and...Read the rest...
Categories: interfaith, community, gospel, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Great Interfaith Revolutions
Executive Summary: To optimize Great Faith Revolutions, combine all toxic ingredients of Make America Great Again, and then feel then hear then do then say then cooperatively touch then develop a compassionate taste for just the opposite fundamentally regenerative ******** election direction selection. Thesis and AntiThesis: I suppose we might...Read the rest...
Categories: interfaith, faith, gospel, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry