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Intent Poems - Poems about Intent

Intent Poems - Examples of all types of poems about intent to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for intent.
Premium Member True Intent
Humble beginning Simpler time True intent Clarity of mind ...Read the rest...
Categories: intent, integrity, meaningful, remember, simple,
Form: Rhyme
Lurking behind false identities And faceless names They launch a venomous attack Pulling you down the road to defame Their malicious intent to vilify your name Is a vicious and preposterous game Shameless trolls are a sadistic...Read the rest...
Categories: intent, abuse, bullying, hate, hurt,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Intent
Intent Miracle Man 10/2/2024 Is a frame of mind which causes most hurt feelings. Think before speaking. ...Read the rest...
Categories: intent, feelings, hurt, words,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Intent
intent, a ripple, setting in motion vibrations corresponding with the cause therefore if we would be self-taught just watch each thought ego begot with a mindful eye erasing our flaws delighting savouring love’s bliss potion...Read the rest...
Categories: intent, introspection, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
shadow of intent
ill never get used to the numbness that tinges away at everything every movement a rusted nusiance as if the words that make up my reality are too much to bear there are no creaks or technical things to...Read the rest...
Categories: intent, angst, care, cry, depression,
Form: Other

Premium Member Love And Kind Intent
If all we did in our lifetime Came from a place of love and kind intent The world would be a better place Not perfect…though many sufferings it would prevent It is such a shame it is not that...Read the rest...
Categories: intent, life, peace, world,
Form: Rhyme
Bad Intent
Deception on air Intention shape perception Cause misconception!...Read the rest...
Categories: intent, abuse, power, scary,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Jimmy is Intent On Beating His Own Record
Jimmy was intent on beating his own record. Forty-six hours of straight video game playing. He heard some crashing outside. Thought it was a garbage truck. Never looked out. It would quit eventually. The bashing and crashing sounded closer now. More...Read the rest...
Categories: intent, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Poetic Intent
Maybe I don't want to read poetry To find out everything has been said before Just saw a title 'Object Permanence' How can I not die a little Knowing that has been taken from me Because I now know it...Read the rest...
Categories: intent, art,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The intent of a Poem
Here, I am organizing thoughts like threads in a loom Pouring out, compelling, feelings, angst, impending, doom A minds' constructed house; in a moments singular room Uniquely crafted; gifts, words, letters shared so others' thoughts may consume Not meant...Read the rest...
Categories: intent, poems, poetry, words, write,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Intent Matters
Some travel to see places and others to meet people. Whose memories hold value, oh worthy hermit?...Read the rest...
Categories: intent, travel,
Form: Dodoitsu
Intention Invention Intervention —Inferno or supernal? Tons and tons of perilous water roaring to the ocean  Thanks to fission without vision— Is it time to reverse the chain reaction? Utopianism Skepticism  Consumerism All kinds of -ism But where is Optimism? Neon god Chat god We are God Who else to tell...Read the rest...
Categories: intent, environment, humanity, nature, planet,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member High Proof Intention
I read your lips, not fooled by the disguise between the lines. Intent was actual in what was actioned, not faked in lines of lies about beliefs. Nor of being an innocent, misled by fools. Which fool is kidding whom?...Read the rest...
Categories: intent, innocence, integrity, introspection,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Creepy Intention
spider in center of web crawls up towards me creepy intention ------ word group # 3...Read the rest...
Categories: intent, international,
Form: Haiku
Malicious Intent
Once upon a time In a far off place Lived a hero and a villain Entangled destinies flowing through our veins Fates sealed since the beginning of time Well before Lady Justice Was ever in her prime Futures bound by merciless string, Just...Read the rest...
Categories: intent, hero,
Form: Rhyme

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