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Inquiringly Poems - Poems about Inquiringly

Inquiringly Poems - Examples of all types of poems about inquiringly to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for inquiringly.

World Cruise
...We like to respond to Oysters on sea beaches Rustling branches in the wood Love the tall birches Dews drop as she blushes Cucumbers smile on thatch Roses call from your pots Umpteen snails r......Read the rest...
Categories: inquiringly, emotions, horse, metaphor, river,
Form: Acrostic
She Falls In Love
...I am proud And feel I am upon a cloud Because of my womanhood As I have found you Who almost always Makes me feel so good From your turquoise ocean I gather my scented conversation From you......Read the rest...
Categories: inquiringly, animal, autumn, bird, dark,
Form: Free verse

1d Are Funny As They Speak To Jls For Kids
...One Direction asked JLS inquiringly, Why they couldn’t all look like Aston, So Marvin announced that they all could, If they thought their body was their custom. Harry just wanted his hair t......Read the rest...
Categories: inquiringly, children, fun, funny, kid,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Spy Breidenthal -Part 2-
...I will never forget the Feast of Tabernacles at Lake Arrowhead I spent my nights there in our beautiful rented house With Spy loyally by my side He slept on my bed and kept me feeling com......Read the rest...
Categories: inquiringly, appreciation, cat, grief, happiness,
Form: Narrative
My Love
...That face Inspiring Ambitious face Masterpiece Inspiring Ambitious Autographed face Her body Sinful Inviting body Deviously Sinful Complicated Inviting body Those lips Velvet Cotton lips ......Read the rest...
Categories: inquiringly, love
Form: Imagism

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry