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Indivisibility Poems - Poems about Indivisibility

Indivisibility Poems - Examples of all types of poems about indivisibility to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for indivisibility.

Premium Member Sjeda the Faerie Queen
...The gracefulness of her inner light preceded her Sjeda landed with dignity, wearing her truth for protection Other faeries fell silent, recognizing her as the one They had seen in their Christmas......Read the rest...
Categories: indivisibility, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Delirium
...*Image of Stakeout On Dope Street Withdrawl by Warner. Delirium I stepped in yesterdays cold that babbled through a rosed mist, its clammy waters rallied the shal......Read the rest...
Categories: indivisibility, confusion,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Git Back Satan Get Your Hands Off God's People-
...I heard humanistic, lonely tapping; You warned me about the kidnapping; I discovered the people must have them; The public planet populating; I was a blessedness and you an inexorability; Git ......Read the rest...
Categories: indivisibility, analogy, appreciation, betrayal, conflict,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Flag Waving Challenges
...Dearest, you men are too much alike. You confuse your flag waving patriotism with what you really want, our indivisibility, unless you say otherwise, our thoroughly domesticated liberties, our......Read the rest...
Categories: indivisibility, gender, health, humor, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
...Four dimensions, yet three in one, Location, space and time, X Y location, space around, and in time, We don’t consider an X as without a Y really. So quantum mechanics stand to floor, The c......Read the rest...
Categories: indivisibility, age, childhood, education, planet,
Form: Free verse

Tearing Half Mast Flag, 2 of 2
...To honor the Mother America, our men and women in uniform upheld our nation’s colors still hanging from the ruined eagle’s nest, though it is torn to shreds, with renewed resolution for uncertain......Read the rest...
Categories: indivisibility, america, anger, anxiety, day,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Consecrated Lords Prayer
...Hallowed be thy name "Love", thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is done in heaven. Please give unto me this day my daily bread, as I give that right unto others to receive. For......Read the rest...
Categories: indivisibility, angst, change,
Form: Didactic
...I love her deeper than my lack of affection Although spoken from my lips, meaningless Constant mishaps produce my indivisibility So desperate to be seen yet outside her scope My heartbeat mista......Read the rest...
Categories: indivisibility, desire, feelings, for her,
Form: Free verse
Ancient Greek Philosophy Continued : Heraclitus and Parmenides
...Heraclitus : The world continues to be in a state of flux , Where strife (Nekos) and love (Philia) , Are the dividing and uniting forces in control , To ensure the balance and unity of the whole......Read the rest...
Categories: indivisibility, historyschool, world, change, school,
Form: Rhyme
...Monosyllabic Indivisibility, Congratulations!......Read the rest...
Categories: indivisibility, philosophy
Form: Haiku

Book: Reflection on the Important Things