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Incumbent Poems - Poems about Incumbent

Premium Member Another Novel Dawn In America
A brand new candidate got elected The present incumbent got ejected Lambasted and rejected ‘Tis another novel dawn in America ‘Tis another extraordinary day at the plaza Of love, unity, justice, far from any drama. The streets are full of happy...Read the rest...
Categories: incumbent, america, betrayal, black african
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pending upon incumbent
I aghast viewed the evidence..Palpable obvious formerly Not imagable now so excrable, i felt sick deep inside; felt Nausea as a tide.)) Stand..' I felt the need to denounce' So I decide..To announce' this tyrants, term it should...Read the rest...
Categories: incumbent, appreciation, education, goodbye,
Form: Didactic

Incumbent Reverential Either Neither
I am As they say Thee Incumbent Reverential ". One " Who simply is unable to As yet be able to " Win " A one single argument With or over myself In my own individual particular " " HEAD...Read the rest...
Categories: incumbent, conflict,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Incompetent Incumbent
Porous border 100 thousand Americans dead Fentanyl poisoned. Courtesy of China, the cartels and little Joe Biden. Sex trafficking and dirty coyotes. Biological weapons wet market alibi gain of function. Decriminalize drugs. Close down insane asylums. No bail for violent fellows. Sweep God under the...Read the rest...
Categories: incumbent, drug, hate,
Form: Free verse
Incumbent Onus To Stem Tide of Global Warming
Plethora of humans (think overpopulation) directly linkedin to planet Earth dire strait re: environmental catastrophe, née debacle teeters along brink tipping point inevitably pitching civilization headlong into oblivion *****sapiens (minus those living off grid) admirably self sufficient unto themselves, perhaps ecological...Read the rest...
Categories: incumbent, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

The Incumbent
THE INCUMBENT by JOHN M. ARRIBAS I am sick and tired of hearing the same old line My elected representative says every things fine He just does not represent the people I know He’s been there forever its time for him...Read the rest...
Categories: incumbent, corruption, culture, introspection, irony,
Form: Rhyme
The Incumbent Must Die
From the tops of the skyscrapers To the freedom bells that ring, Let all the registered voters And poor children sing, "We have had quite enough, Of this corrupt game; We must vote them all out Or suffer more of the same." Politician...Read the rest...
Categories: incumbent, political
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things