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Inclusions Poems - Poems about Inclusions

Inclusions Poems - Examples of all types of poems about inclusions to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for inclusions.
Iron Man
...I started to fly this time, Injecting the inclusions of notable eyes. They’re always calling me a name I can’t yet find. But this is happiness right? Ten-thousand years of life Ten-thousand year......Read the rest...
Categories: inclusions, creation, god, identity,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member boeing whats ongoing?
...BOING..?!#! Its off at boeing..' the wheels and doors have Gone..planes just; over-drive the runways, they're rivalling Sann-yong..They're rolling in inclusions, like its for a dare!! People choos......Read the rest...
Categories: inclusions, appreciation, blue, confusion, farewell,
Form: Rhyme

Universe In My Hand
...I have a clear quartz sphere that has a galaxy inside effervescent inclusions of suspended breadcrumbs a blow of dust snapshot of another dimension who pay their bills kiss their infants and tend ......Read the rest...
Categories: inclusions, deep, mystery, nature, people,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Prayer
...We should pray, I have been praying more.' I am maybe..Or was maybe not a strong Prayer.' Yet I am becoming more aware of Its major position in the setting of faith.' I have been warching for ins......Read the rest...
Categories: inclusions, christian, community, education, international,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Responsibilities a Freed Verse
...RESPONSIBILITIES  motives bequeathed apparently & ostensibly in a generative proliferation of  inherent perspective of upcoming  tranquillity employed as aestheticas  inclusions with......Read the rest...
Categories: inclusions, poetry,
Form: Free verse

A Contemplative Sojourn Through the Breeze
...A Contemplative Sojourn Through The Breeze The continuity of perspective required for accurate conclusions The ingenuity of the reflective inspired by immaculate infusions The co-morbidity of ......Read the rest...
Categories: inclusions, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Lavender Rose
...There by the fence; one lavender rose. Carved amethyst; petals delicately crisped with, glassy inclusions, as only amethyst crystal can present to the, pensive eye. A lavender r......Read the rest...
Categories: inclusions, appreciation, flower, nature, poems,
Form: Free verse
Rock Mermaid
...I wish to be darling to sing of love to woo you perhaps now I am This strangely artistic hint of a thing This will of the wisp of a thing This wind and bone marrow left over thing A ......Read the rest...
Categories: inclusions, absence, age, courage, hope,
Form: Free verse
...You won't clip my wings Lies don't change a thing. Time for me to roar Awaiting my chance to soar. Soon memories will fade For false promises were made. Perhaps on both inclusions There's on......Read the rest...
Categories: inclusions, betrayal, courage, freedom,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Immense Condenesd
...I M M E N S E C O N D E N S E D I Instructed by a plot, broken into paltry portion M Mauled into small, mammoth to screaming speck M Mountain range cramped, meandering cancelled ......Read the rest...
Categories: inclusions, integrity, poetry, writing,
Form: Acrostic
Terminal Velocity
...Terminal velocity maximum thrill, always falling against my will, Acceleration gives me a chill, supersonic speed but standing still… Falling in love with just one look, my romantic des......Read the rest...
Categories: inclusions, addiction, fear, voyage,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I Keep Moving-
...Down in my heart flows the bloodline; While in my mind Sparks the thoughts; My heart bounce pumps love kind; My brain charges electroids brought; And the matters of matter is tangi......Read the rest...
Categories: inclusions, identity, life,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member The Grantwriter's Concerns
...Within our Green Sanctuary extensive proposal-writing family: When did universal political salvation become a uniform economy of non-redemption? When did worshiping Earth's Divinity become c......Read the rest...
Categories: inclusions, caregiving, culture, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Dream State Self Awareness
...soothing your soul self a knowing within your heart what is best for you dream state magic introspective sureness living your truth bathing your soul self hearing yourself realistically b......Read the rest...
Categories: inclusions, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Jumping To Conclusions
...Jumping to conclusions Reinforces your illusions That the way things are Are how they shouldn’t be. To avoid any confusions Or suspicions of delusions Some investigation Seems to be the key......Read the rest...
Categories: inclusions, life,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry