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Impelling Poems - Poems about Impelling

Impelling Poems - Examples of all types of poems about impelling to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for impelling.
Premium Member Alone, yet not completely alone, drifting in the labyrinth of my thoughts
...Alone, yet not completely alone, drifting in the labyrinth of my thoughts, The tiny fingers of my soul reaching through the void, Yearning for the solace of your guiding hand, a lighthouse in the s......Read the rest...
Categories: impelling, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Celafid Namoyll
...Humours turn acrid near The silent seer. Escaping absentees scamper Further down the hole that holds their likeness Extinguish | fatal obscurant | visions. | fata obscura | ......Read the rest...
Categories: impelling, silence, visionary, words,
Form: Free verse

The Pursuit of Sincerity
...In youth, I sought the glance of maidens fair, Longing for their love, their gaze to share, But they passed me by with naught but a fleeting look, Leaving my heart yearning, my soul forsook. Ye......Read the rest...
Categories: impelling, age, appreciation, character, confidence,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Fresh Perspectives
...I was a learned college professor, who was forever eager to know more, As blue-gray waves, finding sandy beaches, turn to seek another shore. I drove to work smiling, in those tangerine days, so ......Read the rest...
Categories: impelling, fantasy, imagery, nature, philosophy,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Open the Floodgates
...I chase the migrating mirage of endless desires in the desolate desert of my weary existence, I carry my languishing life listlessly across bleakness on the pitiless pathway of disparaging delusio......Read the rest...
Categories: impelling, analogy, devotion, life, peace,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Survival In the Alaskan Wilderness
...The full moon and milky snow illuminate the nighttime landscape I found myself lost on the mountain. I have to make a choice. Looking for the North Star I placed a stick pointing north to dire......Read the rest...
Categories: impelling, fear, snow, winter,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member Invocation
...I pay homage to you, venerable divine Goddess! You are one in many; many in one; Isotropous! You are incorporation of Aditi, Bhairavi, Durga, Gayatri, Laxmi, Rukhmini, Saraswati...! You are t......Read the rest...
Categories: impelling, god, prayer, religion,
Form: Couplet
The Tensed Environment
...THE TENSED ENVIRONMENT. Hurdles come in between My teaching and preaching About keeping and maintaining The beauty of my horizon. Little did I know That my thoughts were unknown To my user......Read the rest...
Categories: impelling, analogy,
Form: Rhyme
Right and Wrong
...Right Correct, Genuine Impelling, Motivating, Affecting Preciseness, Exactness, Absoluteness, Properness Violating, Maligning, Defrauding ......Read the rest...
Categories: impelling, rights,
Form: Diamante
Premium Member Celebration
...Celebration mitigated by thought Entrapment in a narrow ego slot Stagnant waters, dead without aeration Delusion impelling our contraction Piquant dilemma by our own hand brought Agendaless ......Read the rest...
Categories: impelling, happiness, joy, spiritual,
Form: Rondeau
My Heart Is a Sky
...My heart is a sky With its moon and stars lighting the lonely lane Where it changes the hue from bright white to the dark shades of crimson red at the horizons. I feel the pain in the hanging grey......Read the rest...
Categories: impelling, feelings, heart, muse, sky,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Afflatus
...You are a divine creative inspiration to me, one that never ceases to amaze all encouragement is mine when you catalyse my poetry with your displays of guiding light, you are like a vaccine shot ......Read the rest...
Categories: impelling, appreciation,
Form: Tristich
Premium Member Mastery of Mystery
...How mysterious a force is intrigue - a poet's plight and salvation, a magnet of unyielding supernatural bliss to our muse. Captivating and drawing us to our mastery of mystery, impetuously impelling ......Read the rest...
Categories: impelling, feelings, heart, inspiration,
Form: Haibun
Love Divided and Conquered
...I yearn to love you with and by all "Loves'" standards of honor and glory. Yet I am weakened by the power of lust. Love, for all its values of magnificence and admiration float away on the wings ......Read the rest...
Categories: impelling, desire, love, lust, passion,
Form: Classicism
Old Poet's Advice
...“The purpose of poetry,” wrote the man with a brazen manner, “reveals truth with steady hand to heighten our sense of life.” His flowered mode of expression, making a poignant impression, cal......Read the rest...
Categories: impelling, appreciation, confidence, courage, life,
Form: Free verse

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