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Immoderate Poems - Poems about Immoderate

Immoderate Poems - Examples of all types of poems about immoderate to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for immoderate.

stuck in the past
...You moved a step ahead and left me behind, Now I do everything to keep you off my mind. Looks like you’ve built this whole new setup, I act like I’m fine, but I’m really fed up. Of hearing your n......Read the rest...
Categories: immoderate, 7th grade, anger, betrayal,
Form: Rhyme
Oppression and Free falling
...Opression Too oppressive for comfort, the proximity Life with its array of shades, hues and shadows Encumbered by words said and unsaid Sentiments unspoken, muffled and silenced Confusion vine l......Read the rest...
Categories: immoderate, appreciation, blessing, celebration, character,
Form: Free verse

Mink's Manifesto 1
...All over pure and white, all over plain and bright, we're inborn peace embracers, true tranquility tracers. All the time abstaining from vileness, violence and violation, we've lived our self-disc......Read the rest...
Categories: immoderate, animal, cry, philosophy,
Form: Burlesque

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Communal Clash
...From old and new squabbles sprouts! After some side boundary rules flouts: Its own list of blood-freezing deaths submitting; A number that would send the humane vomiting. From time to time shar......Read the rest...
Categories: immoderate, anger, anxiety, conflict, environment,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Supreme Court
...Can the world be made better by stacking our Courts With immoderate friends that we trust share our views? Is Court’s dignity served, are its verdicts revered, Does it mean I’m ‘supreme’ when a fl......Read the rest...
Categories: immoderate, journey, life,
Form: Rhyme

Innocent Omission of a Lower Case M
...Top notch legal scholar Erin Go Braw (less concerned about being fair versus abominable, irrevocable, and execrable unforgivable oversight most holy "M" & nonce) cabinet of high ......Read the rest...
Categories: immoderate, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Prurient Interests
...Last evening I noticed another disconcerting Trump headline. This felt and smelled more like a deadline for disintegration than a lifeline, a bootstrap, if you will, toward integrity of health a......Read the rest...
Categories: immoderate, culture, drug, fear, health,
Form: Political Verse
Whatever It Takes
...When two choose each the other Having decided this, their fate A bond, a pledge, a vow replaces That which, unchosen, cannot wait Even when it requires a warrior resolute, Vitality deathless, an......Read the rest...
Categories: immoderate, evil, love hurts, peace,
Form: Acrostic
Quiet, Vibrant
...I can’t help but hide from this envious moon, clinging to the sky like ivory on oak. Intertwined fibers of its circumference gleaming, outside, nostalgic avenues form rivers, streaming. I c......Read the rest...
Categories: immoderate, absence, night,
Form: Rhyme
The Trial of Christopher Okigbo
...I Hungry earthworms Forever entombed in the bowels Of mother earth Awake Defy this asceticism and prostrate For your ultimate destiny Lies not in the dogmatic Steady march along beaten footpaths ......Read the rest...
Categories: immoderate, tribute,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Even the Longest Dream
...Even the longest dream has the folly and endurance to win destiny's adversities, and who's against it with an expression of doubt, but tries to change it fast with imprudence... by showing ma......Read the rest...
Categories: immoderate, mystery, visionary, dream, dream,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry