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Iain Poems - Poems about Iain

Iain Poems - Examples of all types of poems about iain to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for iain.

Premium Member it's what's wrong
...Maybe I’m too simple or too shallow but I’m not angry. What’s wrong with me? I was trying to think of someone I hate, Jews, CIS guys, republicans, palestinians, blacks, democrats, the left ......Read the rest...
Categories: iain, humor, poetry, political,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Left Getting Right Off and On
..."The left hemisphere's assault on our embodied nature is not just an assault on OUR bodies, but on the embodied nature of the [sacred EarthMother] world around us." Iain McGilchrist, The Master ......Read the rest...
Categories: iain, allah, earth, god, health,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Connections Over Separations
...Not saying we're all the same, but more same when sane than different even when divergent. My big TakeAway from smashing bilateral Edward DeBono, bicamerally empowered Julian Jaynes, and bi......Read the rest...
Categories: iain, culture, earth, health, humor,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Essential Reading
...When asked by my nephew for an essential reading list for PermaCultural Therapeutic Design, my Taoist thoughts went back to Unitarian-Universalist Yin/Yang pre-history, when Earth produced a t......Read the rest...
Categories: iain, community, destiny, earth, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The One Otherzone
...Permaculture Design, like any health restoring process, begins with listening to each ZeroZone client speak about deeply held goals and underlying values they would like to share with their OneZo......Read the rest...
Categories: iain, earth, environment, health, peace,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Why Capitalism Failed
...I'm reading a publication of Yale Press, a "centrist" polemic against the LeftBrain's libertarian excesses, and against RightBrain's sinister shadow of totalitarian uniformity playing nihilistic ......Read the rest...
Categories: iain, beauty, community, earth, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Dear Evangelical Brother
...Dear Brother, When we were children adults often asked us What do you hope to be when you grow up? But, our brothers and sisters were more likely, and probably more wise, to ask Who woul......Read the rest...
Categories: iain, appreciation, brother, caregiving, christian,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Natural Integritea
..."Nature yields to artifice, not artifice to nature." Iain McGilchrist Winning yields to lost and last identity, not ego-loss to healthier winnings, more ecosystemically robust. LeftWing val......Read the rest...
Categories: iain, gospel, health, integrity, language,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member History's Balancing Act
...I continue reading Iain McGilchrist's "The Master [Mistress] and his [her] Emissary," a retelling of many RightWing dominant and LeftWing repressed and suppressed events anti-ecofeminist and pro......Read the rest...
Categories: iain, culture, earth, health, history,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Fundamental Compassion Roots
...What is dogmatically unchangingly fundamental to Christianity, and to all win/win positive faith systems, is certainly not capitalism's ZeroSum economic assumptions in which winner god takes all ......Read the rest...
Categories: iain, change, christian, faith, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Wandering Sorceress
...Maybe because I have on my public health hat, my ego searches for more ecotherapeutic subclimates. Maybe because we wear our ego/ecotherapeutic climates inside, Real Whole EarthTime bilaterally ......Read the rest...
Categories: iain, education, health, history, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Of Two Minds
...Iain McGilchrist, neurological psychologist, builds on previous findings of Edward De Bono and Julian Jaynes. Human nature is bicamerally structured for cerebral and appositional specialization,......Read the rest...
Categories: iain, allah, earth, god, hate,
Form: Political Verse
Afghan Fields
...I’ve not been to Afghanistan Fred has He’s seen the summer dust He’s breathed the summer dust He’s felt the winter snow He’s walked the fields where those other poppies grow Fred’s eyes have......Read the rest...
Categories: iain, war,
Form: Free verse
...So far away from you Can not watch you grow Wish you knew you had family here Who love for you and care for you But when you grow And become old You’ll find out the truth And you’ll eventually......Read the rest...
Categories: iain, loss, love, time,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry