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Hotspots Poems - Poems about Hotspots

Hotspots Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hotspots to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hotspots.

... Biosphere's tropical respiratory rainforests are on the verge of extinction, the exclusive reservoir of biodiversity, the Congo Basin is shrinking rapidly. Deforestation dehydrates the c......Read the rest...
Categories: hotspots, earth, environment, pain, planet,
Form: Rhyme
Hedonic hotspots
...Pursuing more than a fair rightful need, Man, thou hast cornered every craven toy, Coveting vulture-like that grabs with greed, Indulging more, way far less to enjoy, Chasing false thrills on......Read the rest...
Categories: hotspots, desire,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Mystic Valley of Dzoku
...While rambling like a vagabond in a seraphic poetic submersion, in a remote region, witnessed the most captivated sight ever, a sleeping valley rippled in wild blooms, as sparkling in mystical cele......Read the rest...
Categories: hotspots, adventure, appreciation, beauty, earth,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member News Report
...they had piled up tinder wood and firecrackers under the cauldron ready for the feast as they shelled out wisdom and claimed justice after all humanity was at stake and doomsayers were to be plea......Read the rest...
Categories: hotspots, war,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Night Club
...For years I was an aspiring singer, performing in trendy nightspots, And I sang my heart out each evening, in all of the local hotspots. Among the enthusiastic locals, at long last I'd made mysel......Read the rest...
Categories: hotspots, bird, career, fantasy, nature,
Form: Couplet

Premium Member Fired Up Hot Heated July Holiday-
...july celebrates noises in the lighten dark fires crackers blown ~ fire sparks and dark celebrations freedoms shown crackles, pops, snaps ~ skies torrent hotspots nois......Read the rest...
Categories: hotspots, analogy, celebration, engagement, firework,
Form: Haiku
Corona Vs Nurses
...Our world has changed in a blink of an eye, For overnight, it seems, our loved ones have said goodbye! Covid......Read the rest...
Categories: hotspots, emotions, mental health,
Form: Prose Poetry
While Up and Adrift In Cloud 9
...While Up And Adrift In Cloud 9... Reprieve from damp, and rainy, or sultry weather, I schlepped a light weight Shaker made folding chair out upon Jim Baker Nabor's green ......Read the rest...
Categories: hotspots, adventure, angel, crazy, dream,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Haiku Maze 12
...Laughter floats Playground voices; Evening canopy ~~~~~~~~~ Brick laid walkway Busy wayfarers; Old man ponders ~~~~~~~~~ Sunset strip Children at play; Frolic greets fun ~~~~......Read the rest...
Categories: hotspots, change,
Form: Haiku
For France and Liberty
...For France and Libertè Bloodbath of hearts, young, old and hard working, Pit of despair with anger, death and evil lurking, Why France, why that small country? Lights cut off, silence punctu......Read the rest...
Categories: hotspots, freedom, french, paris, political,
Form: Rhyme
House of Mirrors-Part 2 of 2
...Part 2 of 2 .........eclectic mangling with each dextrous touch, fine lines begin to smudge, reality blends with fiction, body becomes an instrument, instantly switched on, fingers-the intim......Read the rest...
Categories: hotspots, fantasy, music,
Form: Rhyme
...To all you great dog owners out there, here's a shout out from a groomer, who sincerely cares, keep your dog's grooming routne, to insure that their skin and coat are prestine, itchies, rashes a......Read the rest...
Categories: hotspots, animal, health,
Form: Rhyme
...To all you great dog owners out there, here's a shout out from a groomer, who sincerely cares, keep your dog's grooming routne, to insure that their skin and coat are prestine, itchies, rashes a......Read the rest...
Categories: hotspots, animal, health,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things