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Hinduism Poems - Poems about Hinduism

Hinduism Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hinduism to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hinduism.

Premium Member Himalaya
In tertiary times, when two continents adrift Titanically collided to tectonically uplift The gasping ocean floor Resurrected up once more Left the water for the land; Five miles high it made its stand. And to these youthful mountains (that is as...Read the rest...
Categories: hinduism, adventure, atheist, hindi, mountains,
Form: Light Verse
Manu and the Fish
Manu strolled to his stainless sink To wash his hands and have a think. He reached for soap, a bar was handy, A square pink cake that looked like candy. He ran the water, fresh and cool, And in his...Read the rest...
Categories: hinduism, animal, fish, friendship, hindi,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member That Troubling Interdependent Sensory Web
I mean, seriously? Talk about boundary issues! I get it, why the 7th multicultural value, and most recent to finally make it in to sacred UniversalYang/UnitarianYintegral iconology, doxology, eulogy, ecotherapeutic theology, green ecofeminist ecology, declares our polypathic RESPECT for our interdependent sacred web of life reincarnating win/win love As in, could Elder EarthMothers get...Read the rest...
Categories: hinduism, earth, green, health, humor,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Alan W Watts: Rip Great Lapsed Pastor
I Alan Watts says we live forever In children if we can bear There is no joy in going on, ever And ever as a dying tree or flower II He was a brilliant Brit, knew nirvana! Died as American, in California Barely...Read the rest...
Categories: hinduism, adventure, america, blessing, character,
Form: Free verse
Hidayat Khilji
The Life Bringer or The Big Bang Theory Explained Seven plus seven=chodan Six plus eight=chodan Five plus nine=chodan Four plus ten=chodan Three plus eleven=chodan Two plus twelve=chodan One plus thirteen=chodan. Now what we got seven times chodan.It means seven shots or saat phayray in...Read the rest...
Categories: hinduism, age, earth day, easter,
Form: Bio

Hinduism I Once Adored: Jesus May I Never Deny: Comparing Compassionately
I shall compare Hinduism with a faith centered on Jesus & show why I cannot worship as a Hindu now. I need to clear a few things ahead of any armchair pundits. Those who have read...Read the rest...
Categories: hinduism, abuse, bible, career, discrimination,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member Prisoner of My Language
We study our language when we are just born. First, we touch and hear, taste and smell, and then we see. We put a name on it. And we repeat it back by sound, motion, and...Read the rest...
Categories: hinduism, language,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Two Poems Interpretted From Meer Bai
Meer Bai (1498-1546) was a Hindu mystic, musician, poet, and saint. She was born to a royal house, but gave up all privilege to live as a beggar, singing of her true love Krishna along...Read the rest...
Categories: hinduism, beauty, emotions, god, longing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hinduism
Hinduism Belief in reincarnation, And desire for liberation, From all earthly evils, Through good karma, Is pure Hinduism ! One eternal truth, Of divine supreme, And many forms in nature, Freedom of ideas, Is a way of life ! Four Vedas and Upanishads, Logical and scientific, The...Read the rest...
Categories: hinduism, faith,
Form: Free verse
All I Know About Hinduism
All I Know about Hinduism Squealing, I adorned myself with bangles which followed my suit as they clinked. Combing my hair and placing flowers they contained the same level of energy as I did. Running around thinking I was a princess reality:...Read the rest...
Categories: hinduism, age, appreciation, change, god,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Third Eye In Hinduism-N
The spirit or third eye is the center to see the world Without it there is all pervading spiritual darkness. We are truly spirits who occupy physical bodies Without bodies couldn’t be a part of physical reality. Boosts functions...Read the rest...
Categories: hinduism,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry