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Hesse Poems - Poems about Hesse

Hesse Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hesse to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hesse.

Hermann Hesse translation of 'Secretly We Thirst'
Hermann Hesse English Translations Secretly We Thirst… by Hermann Hesse from The Glass Bead Game translation by Michael R. Burch Charismatic, spiritual, with the gracefulness of arabesques, our lives resemble fairies’ pirouettes, spinning gently through the nothingness to which we sacrifice our beings...Read the rest...
Categories: hesse, birth, dance, death, dream,
Form: Free verse
Hermann Hesse translation of 'The Poet' and 'Without You'
The Poet by Hermann Hesse translation by Michael R. Burch Only upon me, the lonely one, Do this endless night’s stars shine As the fountain gurgles its faery song. For me alone, the lonely one, The shadows of vagabond clouds Float like dreams...Read the rest...
Categories: hesse, hair, lonely, love, night,
Form: Free verse

Siddhartha translation by Michael R Burch
Siddhartha (The Buddha) by Hermann Hesse translation by Michael R. Burch In the house-shade, by the sunlit riverbank beyond the bobbing boats, in the Salwood forest’s deep shade, beneath the shade of the fig tree, that’s where Siddhartha grew up. Siddhartha, the...Read the rest...
Categories: hesse, boat, father son, friend,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Hermann Hesse Translation of 'Stages' from 'The Glass Bead Game'
This is my modern English translation of the poem "Stages" by the great German poet Hermann Hesse from his novel "The Glass Bead Game." "Stages" or "Steps" by Hermann Hesse from his novel The Glass Bead Game translation by...Read the rest...
Categories: hesse, courage, death, flower, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Books - Hesse
Master Raj: (Frowning slightly) Ms. Devi, this quote about books by Hesse is a bit confusing. It says they can't bring happiness, but then talks about a path to the heart. Ms. Devi: (Chuckles) A good...Read the rest...
Categories: hesse, books,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Clerihew Hesse
Short-lived was Eva Hesse with hand-made art no less Bindings&string & rope her usp motif trope...Read the rest...
Categories: hesse, art, people,
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member Week 2 - Stages By Herman Hesse - a Second Translation Revised
As ev’ry flower wilts and ev’ry youngster 11 Must age, so manifests each stage of living, 11 All wisdom blossoms too and ev’ry virtue 11 Enjoys its time, and cannot last forever. 11 At ev’ry call of life, the heart of man should, 11 (Without...Read the rest...
Categories: hesse, journey, life, poetry, writing,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Week 2 - Stages By Herman Hesse - First Translation
As every blossom wilts and every youth Yields to old age so manifests every stage of life, All wisdom and every virtue Has its time, and cannot last forever. At every call of life, the heart, Wrapped in bravery and...Read the rest...
Categories: hesse, journey, leaving, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Week 2 - Brian's Poet of Note - 'Herman Hesse'
Brian’s Poet of Note – ‘Herman Hesse’ Week 2 This week I thought I would discuss translating poetry from another language. I just finished retranslating from German this poem ‘Stufen’ from Hesse’s famous novel ‘The Glass...Read the rest...
Categories: hesse, poetry, poets, writing,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member Character Sketches From Hermann Hesse
Categories: hesse, books, eulogy,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things