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Hermitic Poems - Poems about Hermitic

Hermitic Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hermitic to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hermitic.

Premium Member Extracts from The Kybalion
...Hermitic wisdom ~ as above, so below as in heaven, so on earth each node thus represents the whole if we but choose to be still we will discover the light of our soul......Read the rest...
Categories: hermitic, silence, spiritual, wisdom,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Hoof Choice
... Written: November 07, 2023 ____________________________________________ Am I condoning a state of affluence? In recent desultory decadence Have I drawn a swan dive of choice? ......Read the rest...
Categories: hermitic, analogy, anxiety, betrayal, inspirational,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Elements
...Existence is the cauldron where elements brew Earth, water, fire and air, are in space entwined Each has unique attributes, maintaining life Cognised by presence when they are aligned Holy Spir......Read the rest...
Categories: hermitic, spiritual,
Form: Personification

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Feel Alone
...Being alone is not been left alone It's doesn't mean solus One is not being companionless Left over the feel that unaccompained. Alone which not only means lonesome There is something beyond t......Read the rest...
Categories: hermitic, confidence, lonely, perspective, social,
Form: Free verse
Decaying Life
...In searching of peace soul of writings sought hermitic milieu O loneliness of mind shrine know that you’re curse! O loveless love of wedding heart know that you’re curse! On the nib of st......Read the rest...
Categories: hermitic, heartbroken, life, loneliness, poets,
Form: Free verse

Love Casts a Shadow
...I quest my love from the depths of silenced shadows, amongst the reclusive dimness… Where I compose my Soliloquy of Solitude as I gravitate to a ghostly grimness… Fortitude I have n......Read the rest...
Categories: hermitic, hurt, loneliness, lost love,
Form: Free verse
Isomorphic Ideas Verses a Hermetic Mind
...Isomorphic ideas verses a hermetic mind Plaintive howl of a writer. Ideas in isomorphic forms Are liqudified then with a tragic Irony crystalised in an amorphic haze. When will she ac......Read the rest...
Categories: hermitic, adventure, analogy, angst, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
The Wounded Wind
...As the wind howls the parasitic perpetrator prowls And children’s dreams are left blowing in the wind As the wind storms the barbarous battle swarms And the countless screams are blowi......Read the rest...
Categories: hermitic, perspective, symbolism, wind,
Form: Free verse
'theatre of the Absurd'-Catoptric Corridors of Time
...'Theatre Of The Absurd' Catoptric Corridors of Time Oh how the wounded waverly wander away from their hermitic heart Only to meticulously maunder thru cumulous clouds that diffuse apart The d......Read the rest...
Categories: hermitic, humanity, metaphor, solitude,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things