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Hel Poems - Poems about Hel

Hel Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hel to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hel.

Hello, Goodbye
''Hello, Goodbye'' More to come Less Imma take Sure to go Sure to go Away from the life of limp Taking off, won’t hesitate Quick you know Quick you know Don’t take the mind of me I’m no longer meant to wait Going on now Going...Read the rest...
Categories: hel, care, courage, goodbye,
Form: Rhyme
Hel Or High Water
That’s what the Ground hogs whistle: ‘hell or high water’ then they put on their old-timey spectacles and the glasses slip to the end of their stubby snouts. The squirrels climb too high for the lower depths of Hades...Read the rest...
Categories: hel, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Lokis Lament and Curse Part 2 By Thomas Laufey
Loki:Short is your victory: for fenris, my son, will rip your jaws and rule a new world. Come, let us end it! Ages we've waited, we who were old when the worlds were still young." My child hela,shall lead...Read the rest...
Categories: hel, anger, betrayal, grief, magic,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Loki's Lament and Curse Part 1 By Thomas Laufey
loki: For nine nights only your own will had bound you to the World ´s Tree, you treacherous God, while I wore a chain that I chose not, forever: With cruel fetter my freedom you took!" Odin: "Too cunning and unpredictable...Read the rest...
Categories: hel, betrayal, grief, murder, mythology,
Form: Narrative
A Glimpse of Hel
They say that they are sorry, They know the pain it brings. For they are old and wiser, They smile… and all but sing. But they are merely shadows, There empty eyes will see. For I am but a vessel, They think...Read the rest...
Categories: hel, depression,
Form: I do not know?

An angels voice with a demons mind He speaks the truth,yet the truth he hides. He hungers for your soul,he's here to dine Tonights the night and now is his time. He knows your thoughts,he feels your fear Excitment surges...Read the rest...
Categories: hel, death, loss, sad,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry