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Heaving Poems - Poems about Heaving

Premium Member As Her Love Lives Forever In This Heaving Breast
As Her Love Lives Forever In This Heaving Breast Wisdom, its great truths, that treasure, my newest quest. As her love lives forever in this heaving breast. As sun was waiting its glorious rise I woke again, what a...Read the rest...
Categories: heaving, appreciation, art, beauty, deep,
Form: Romanticism
Premium Member I That Expose Heaving Breast To Harrowing Night
I That Expose Heaving Breast To Harrowing Night (BORN FROM NIGHT BATTLES IN YOUTH FIERCELY FOUGHT) I that expose heaving breast to harrowing night Daring to curse fate, defying its awesome might Live in this world as an...Read the rest...
Categories: heaving, conflict, faith, fate, hope,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Faith Flies To This Heaving Breast
Faith flies to this heaving breast in sorrows, Strengthening its hope for brighter days Will take up the position of valorous ways, Prepare the journey for brighter tomorrows Wise the soul that seldom trouble borrows, Knows the residence where value...Read the rest...
Categories: heaving, faith, hope, sorrow,
Form: Rhyme
Her Touch
The touch of her hand Moving slowly up my thigh Lifting my boxer Starts a delicious craving Her eyes look over every inch of my body My heart is racing I can hear it beating in my ears I crave much...Read the rest...
Categories: heaving, deep, desire, fantasy, for
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Breathing, Soft Heaving Bosom Swells
Breathing, Soft Heaving Bosom Swells Swaying rhythmic her hips Tantalizing her lips Blue casting sapphire eyes Dancing under night skies Such heavenly sweet trips Docking side by side ships. Breathing, soft heaving bosom swells O' pleasures, past glorious bells And Fated bounty was given For...Read the rest...
Categories: heaving, appreciation, art, beautiful, romantic,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member A Heaving State of Bliss
Fingers of sunlight caress naked skin ever so softly through the leaves of trees. And feelings of ecstasy stir within; as summer breezes titillate and tease. A warm sensation cocoons two lovers; in a sweaty blanket of prickly heat. And immodesty...Read the rest...
Categories: heaving, 9th grade, emotions, feelings,
Form: Sonnet
Heaving Halo
shimmering shafts of thin shivering light streak through and softly shred behind me the whole length of my lengthening shadow, as I face...Read the rest...
Categories: heaving, happiness, hope, nature,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry