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Hard And Fast Poems - Poems about Hard And Fast

Hard And Fast Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hard and fast to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hard and fast.
Seal fin de siecle with unheard celebration
...Seal fin de siècle with unheard celebration though two thousand nine hundred will be here in seventy five years, a mere blink of the eye never to early to think about fêted occasion which mar......Read the rest...
Categories: hard and fast, america, anniversary, betrayal, cry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Moment in Time
...As the music played, eyes strayed, She moved; she grooved...On fire! Her hands explored, own flesh adored, She read then fed my desire. Together we danced, eyes romanced, Lust slipped its scr......Read the rest...
Categories: hard and fast, imagery, love, passion, romance,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member the price of mutilation
...I once trusted our government 'til they left open a sack of wheat and chaff now it's up to the citizens to clean up the mess I once trusted our government until they sold our farmland to commun......Read the rest...
Categories: hard and fast, america,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member my dice answers all questions
...My dice answers all questions; just take a roll. Absolutely right; do not doubt yourself You are looking under the wrong rock Your heart is in the right place; keep going Run hard and fast, do ......Read the rest...
Categories: hard and fast, humor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member October 30 2024
... October 30/2024 Miracle Man With age came the realization, that most good times lay in my past. Often these become a temporary fixation, and I cling to these both hard and fast. ......Read the rest...
Categories: hard and fast, age, god, heaven,
Form: Lyric

Anti-Life, Part II
......You see them saying the unborn are parasites, not to be mourned, it’s not their body anyway, despite the unique DNA. Like sacrificing them to Baal, nothing now seems beyond the pale, the liv......Read the rest...
Categories: hard and fast, abortion, culture, evil, gender,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Visions
... "Visions" Poetry must speak to you you must listen not to what the mind speaks but to what the heart delivers some have the vision some do not this is truth so......Read the rest...
Categories: hard and fast, muse,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Pools amassed
...I formed in the heavens; they built me in a pure overcast Concrete looks far too weak to break my fallings contrast All flower petals decreed a landscape grown to everlast I will nurture them; in ......Read the rest...
Categories: hard and fast, flower, growth, rain, spring,
Form: Monorhyme
...This time I'm doing it Release...out from me Snag, pivot, swirl Up, over, next to, ....around Where am I found Lost in the dark Or maybe the light Following hard and fast After LOVE's gu......Read the rest...
Categories: hard and fast, love, seasons,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Terror Bugs: Part 5 - A Freezer Mice Adventure
...[Continued from ‘Terror Bugs: Part 4 - A Freezer Mice Adventure’] __________ A water cannon screeched around the corner on two wheels Four and twenty Terror Bugs were nipping at......Read the rest...
Categories: hard and fast, adventure,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member world I never imagined
...I have never seen children who cannot listen as hard as these students They could if their mouths ever shut, but they are perpetually open. Words coming hard and fast, for they may have never been ......Read the rest...
Categories: hard and fast, school, teacher,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Jasper the Artist
...Kenya’s Goddess came in hard and fast With wind that ruffled the grasses of the savannas The trees felt her presence and cringed Wondering if she would uproot them She is all powerful they warned......Read the rest...
Categories: hard and fast, art,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Kenyas Goddess
...Kenya’s Goddess came in hard and fast With wind that ruffled the grasses of the savannas The trees felt her presence and cringed Wondering if she would uproot them She is all powerful they warned......Read the rest...
Categories: hard and fast, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Young Love
... She met him when her heart was young, Fell hard and fast, but it was a feeling unsung. Time would take her down so many roads, Where life seemed so hard as darkness explodes. ......Read the rest...
Categories: hard and fast, love, nostalgia, romance, teen
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Bending Shadow Folding Light
...far beyond cold light window edge flirt and flutter wild lashes of winter wink wandering flakes soundlessly sow layers of lazy shadows, dust over cool contour conceal autumn rust gent......Read the rest...
Categories: hard and fast, absence, conflict, desire, light,
Form: Free verse

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