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Earth Day Haiku Poems

These Earth Day Haiku poems are examples of poetry about Earth Day Haiku. These are the best examples of Haiku Earth Day poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Sun Kissed
clouds dispelling life 
sun kissed drops of green and blue 
speckling the ground

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Categories: beauty, earth day, graduate,

Premium Member Slingshot Angel
blade of grass blowing
dewdrop slingshotted through sky 
caught on angel’s wing 

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Categories: angel, beautiful, blessing, christian,

Premium Member Broken Earth
parched and broken earth 
under bloody and cracked feet
raindrops on the toes   

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Categories: angel, art, blessing, care,

Premium Member Wildflowers
Butterflies abound 
Violet hummingbird a-flight 
Wildflowers’ sight  

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Categories: allusion, beautiful, beauty, bird,

Autumn leaves
falling from the tree's autumn leaves paint the ground a colorful quilt.
crunching underfoot the sound of nostalgia memories of fall
red, orange, and gold a firework...

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Categories: appreciation, beauty, earth day,

Summer Born
butterflies, then bees
lavender scent fills a breeze

wakening morning...

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Categories: earth day, summer,

Premium Member Chasms Deep



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Categories: earth day,

On Earth Day
Ye depend ‘pon earth,
At no time does Earth to thee,
Why O man this mirth?

It’s thy sole haven,
A lesson if ye listen,
This earth’s not for fun.


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Categories: earth, men,

One World
One world

One I one 
All we collect for
Faith and Harmony...

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Categories: america, angel, creation, culture,

One World
One world

One I one 
All we collect for
Faith and Harmony...

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Categories: america, angel, creation, culture,

Beauty of My Earth
Beauty of my Earth

How we uprooted you
Destroyed your Meadows and lakes
How criminals we are...

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Categories: 10th grade, anger, earth,

Lake By My Side
Lake by my side ......

Dry empty arid 
Is the lake besides me
Swollen by us ... only...

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Categories: angst, corruption, dark, drink,

My Globe
My Globe

Call all to save 
Before late thou it
Collect everyone...

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Categories: 11th grade, change, child,

Haiku 1
'Big Blue' hanging high
Cumulus clouds floating by
Peregrines diving...

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Categories: adventure, animal, appreciation, earth

you're cold blooded void
why did creation make you
beetles smother spin...

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© Kathy Bahr  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: art, august, creation, death,

Book: Shattered Sighs