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Haggard Poems - Poems about Haggard

Haggard Poems - Examples of all types of poems about haggard to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for haggard.

Security Misfit
For a security slot, A Sluggard, For a praised company, rather haggard: From long unemployment a drunkard, Full tankard draining after full tankard. Also, a listener at nights to Bard And could Security suspend for Card, Still, hopefully, he seeks...Read the rest...
Categories: haggard, absence, addiction, anxiety, betrayal,
Form: Rhyme
Haggard Future Feigned
bruised zeal bled crumbling callous crest hoisted hanker smote cranky curves clothe hanky panky puked vying voluptuous views porous pen peered pulpy paranormal reared felon feasting fear sassy syllables etched in punctured pest whooshing pasts wet haggard future feigned dark drips craved. '20:03:10:16:22 Note: William...Read the rest...
Categories: haggard, hero,
Form: Sonnet

Haggard Hemispheres Hankering
dusty drips drooling inky lits lurching felon fits fostering callous contractions cupping Haggard how hankering oily oceans assembling nocturnal nature nimbling fiery feelings seducing airy allotment amputating bounty pulses puncturing severed seals smirking damp dark dancing multifarious means metamorphosing all transcending tottering. 20:01:19:09:18...Read the rest...
Categories: haggard, dark,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Ragged Haggard Man
Demonic voices Drenched in acid rain Despicable noises Depressing pain Hand me the gun Free your soul Break the mold The sun was shunned Thorns twisting around Crushing your bones Corrupting your senses A guise for dementia Follow the buzzers To a land barren and empty Once so lush...Read the rest...
Categories: haggard, america, corruption, philosophy, political,
Form: Free verse
A Tribute To Merle Haggard 1937-2016
The first thing I remember hearing Was a car radio with a country song playing A man singing while my mom was steering A song about heartache and pain That’s the day the good boy in me...Read the rest...
Categories: haggard, appreciation, career, death, dedication,
Form: Rhyme

Haggard Delusions
Save me your lies, just spare me the time Beginnings and endings now hard to define Greying and hazy, the edges have blurred A hollow abyss but I'll never learn No places to hide or discard this regret No matter...Read the rest...
Categories: haggard, angst, depression, girlfriend-boyfriend, lost
Form: Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things