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Habitation Poems - Poems about Habitation

Habitation Poems - Examples of all types of poems about habitation to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for habitation.

You are one to a guy living close, Who sometimes lets you in on his woes, The wrought by nearness of abodes; Families walking the same roads… Neighbor don’t deny your Good Morning, At noon over the slight still mourning: “Our...Read the rest...
Categories: habitation, future, hate, people, places,
Form: Rhyme
Part of mine never knew the same when the moon was calling your name Providence and karmic doors attractions intention force Conducted theme of heart to unite the whole from part Sight of lovers reflected silhouettes in colors Synchronic imagination invisible sphere inhabitation Footprints...Read the rest...
Categories: habitation, philosophy,
Form: Ballad

Love's Habitation
Love's Habitation Within every moment the only way to tell Up from Down is to always focus on the Gravity of the Situation. The gravity of any second varies depending upon the weight within the Maturity of...Read the rest...
Categories: habitation, bible, children, christian, father
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Evil Corpse In Post Mortem Habitation
twisted chains in the very fabric of their existence... come join in the resistance shattered glass out on the patio vanished corpse out of thin air in peril the vortex shimmers at the call of nature strangled by fragments of...Read the rest...
Categories: habitation, art,
Form: Free verse
My Strong Habitation
When to God I come near, Distant things become clear, No more have I to fear, His Word is my power, His Light is my tower, His wings are my cover. The Lord is the strength to the needy in distress, The...Read the rest...
Categories: habitation, bible, blessing, hope, uplifting,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member A Historic Habitation
A dry habitat where sailing boats were invented and the paper, pens, keys and toothpaste. Also where beer was a national currency and the last dress standing is preserved. This dwelling offers worship to more than a thousand deities and...Read the rest...
Categories: habitation, earth, nature, society,
Form: Ode
Clear days of old, Antebellum. Not too fancy, Mediocre. Bright color seen Perfect warm nest. Young harmony Child fairyland Secondary, Tall pine in back. Conspicuous, lone pompous rose Toxic ivy Marigold patch Null pottery Stream overflow Taste pure water Ordain infant Adore always Wife trustworthy True nuptials Man unyeilding...Read the rest...
Categories: habitation, children, encouraging, home, imagery,
Form: Etheree
Precious the creation of each blade of grass with wanton destruction how long can they last like showers carried on the cycles of wind knowledge is traded for gold in the end every molecule that exists is part...Read the rest...
Categories: habitation, faith, hope, inspirational, life,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things