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Guiles Poems - Poems about Guiles

Premium Member A Tale Told By Trees
... A tale told by trees, rooted in the things that yearn far from sight and light of day deep within the earth… Wisdom, cautious, heeds - woe befalls one who disturbs a tale told by tree......Read the rest...
Categories: guiles, assonance, corruption, creation,
Form: Other
There Was Trouble Brewin' In Soup Creek
...As morning glowed pale light over the town of Soup Creek, Jenna woke with a start when she heard a floorboard squeak. She raised her gun and took aim at a shadow near the door, "Hold it right ther......Read the rest...
Categories: guiles, poets,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Sun Smiles
...Guiles Gone miles Morning sun Diffidence shun Golden crown well-spun Orbit does run Like war won In styles Smiles 18 August 2022......Read the rest...
Categories: guiles, nature, smile, sun,
Form: Ninette
Premium Member Maybe One Day’re walking on the edge of time careful not to step outside the lines you try to stay within the confines of what’s safe avoiding rain at any cost to not get wet some day you might decide to......Read the rest...
Categories: guiles, fear, introspection, longing, love,
Form: Free verse
When Waves Attack
...Life on earth is like an ocean or open sea which its vast body is just hard to watch or view; Others look at it as a major mystery, not seeing the colors of nature’s hidden hue. Many minds try ......Read the rest...
Categories: guiles, life,
Form: Sonnet

Give Me Strength To Climb This Mountain
...Give me strength to climb this mountain Rising high in front of me Give me joy in tribulation As I travel toward Thee Help me hope in all conditions In the sun and in the rain Help me trust f......Read the rest...
Categories: guiles, god, mountains, strength,
Form: Rhyme
Spring season tickled pink silken flowers Magnolias preen Sakura gleams pretty pinks eye guiles wink (2/16/22)......Read the rest...
Categories: guiles, appreciation,
Form: Ninette
Premium Member Swoooosh
...lost in delusion swept up by the winds of time what's left under the veneer but a lingering longing that haunts without guiles or prejudice walking through the desert of my mind singed pas......Read the rest...
Categories: guiles, introspection, longing, night, surreal,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Persistence
...silence in the night its chant persists its melody beckoning sweet guiles enchanting AP: 1st place 2021 Posted on September 20, 2021......Read the rest...
Categories: guiles, longing, love, night, silence,
Form: Free verse
Diabolic Despot
...He bears in hand old guiles, And tons of wiles he wields Across breath-mired worlds, Upon sands of mortal fields. His chilling senses waning fall, And eyes darkish with tired sins Beget th......Read the rest...
Categories: guiles, betrayal, death, evil,
Form: Imagism
Mundus Novus
...Devoid of old qualms and ruing sigh Wing your arc for purer stratum high, Past's mortal morsels I urge forsake For dainty victuals sage angels take. As mighty Retribution's brooms sweep Away ......Read the rest...
Categories: guiles, adventure, allegory, allusion, blessing,
Form: Rhyme
...Varying tactics to deftest tongues, I find it a futile taxing of tired lungs; She hears finer tropes with disdain, And loves lips that deal daring pain. For fibs she sworn truths exchanged; ......Read the rest...
Categories: guiles, allegory, allusion, discrimination, wedding,
Form: Ode
...Let me try to go by pioneering heroes' spirit That motored their antique tides of phrase, And treat rapt souls to a mild sublime ode, Forged to rhyme with old sonneteers' pace. Now where do......Read the rest...
Categories: guiles, allegory, allusion, art,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Divine Spark
...he knows his alphabet and counts to forty socially inept a heart that’s free of guiles his mind confused he sits aloof in his own world outsiders attach their numerous labels it’s still a mystery......Read the rest...
Categories: guiles, anxiety, innocence, mental illness,
Form: Free verse
...Sweet is equally sweet to all mortal tongues, Choice morsels sate all men's starved pangs; Brilliant sights of plenty charm every eye right, And friends against foes for shinier spoils fight. ......Read the rest...
Categories: guiles, allegory, angst, art, care,
Form: Lyric

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