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Growing Poems - Poems about Growing

Growing Poems - Examples of all types of poems about growing to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for growing.
A Tripping Balance
Black and grey— half-dead, half-forgotten, etched in silence, waiting. Thou to draw, thou to withdraw, tracing echoes, tracing the traces, cursed yet, blessed. Now, I sit, tracing the scars of the ruby, fingers brushing against old omens in the reflection’s cold embrace. (I know the...Read the rest...
Categories: growing, 10th grade, beauty, blessing,
Form: Free verse
Boys will be boys, should we change our approaches? It invades our society, infesting like cockroaches. Is it something that we unfairly blame on our coaches? Or should we instead stop this before it encourages? Is it time to...Read the rest...
Categories: anti bullying, growing up,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Total Recall
Was your jaw ever hit at some watering place Yes, I have on occasion hit a fist with my face His incorrect answer, Scar tissue, not cancer. That Doctor was too quick to cut to the chase. ...Read the rest...
Categories: cancer, conflict, growing up,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member taxes '25
(It’s that vernal, infernal, tax season. How about a tax avoidance vignette? It’s poetic—in it’s own way) Some students at a table near us in the dining hall were discussing America’s financial inequities. One guy was...Read the rest...
Categories: green, growing up, money,
Form: Free verse
My Childhood Friend
MY CHILDHOOD FRIEND (by Michelle L. LeBlanc 03/16/2025) Dedicated to Connie Steeves Our friendship goes way back I believe we were in grade 3? In our brown and beige uniforms At Lower Coverdale Christian Academy At first, I hung out with...Read the rest...
Categories: growing, 3rd grade, friendship, grief,
Form: Rhyme

Silent dark
shadows ”When you are not fed love on a silver spoon, you learn to lick it off knives.” —Lauren Eden, The Lioness Awakens i was raised by the dark— mother taught me to swallow ...Read the rest...
Categories: adventure, analogy, growing up,
Form: Suzette Prime
Silent dark
shadows ”When you are not fed love on a silver spoon, you learn to lick it off knives.” —Lauren Eden, The Lioness Awakens i was raised by the dark— mother taught me to swallow ...Read the rest...
Categories: adventure, analogy, growing up,
Form: Suzette Prime
Slipping slowly
I don’t know when I first felt my childhood slipping slowly It was somewhere in the dark Maybe on a slushy snowy night that made me cry I’m tired of saying goodbye - He agreed It...Read the rest...
Categories: childhood, deep, growing up,
Form: Free verse
The echo returns not
The words cease to resonate, not my voice's fault nor the walls, it is the absence of my yang, sister self; emerging, new world unsheathing its unease: there were two cries of joy. Reverberation or affirmation, and was there ever a difference in the sando shops where we stole tuna mayo...Read the rest...
Categories: growing up, i miss
Form: Free verse
Great Memories
gray hair hold many memories of yesterdays, nights' fires gray ash....Read the rest...
Categories: growing up, memory,
Form: Senryu
Like a seed Planted for a tree, I grow and grow My back, strong and tall Through thorns and thistles. You can't tell me I've not been through enough And I still won't go through some things more. But I'll flourish like a...Read the rest...
Categories: bible, change, future, growing
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Acorn and Oak
"An acorn grows to a mighty oak" - words, once, my grandpa spoke when I was small. What dear Grandpa forgot to say, long ago, on that happy day, is, "Every oak must fall"....Read the rest...
Categories: age, death, growing up,
Form: Rhyme
Paper Plane
Paper plane, fragile architect of childhood dreams, folded hope, creased ambition, a fleeting geometry against the sky. Not metal, not roaring engine, just the whisper of a breath, a delicate defiance of gravity's heavy hand. We launch you from...Read the rest...
Categories: dream, growing up, memory,
Form: Free verse
Greed's Wants, Desires, and Needs
I say I grow without greed, But my wants, desires, and needs, Blur in the obscurity of my own mind. My heart isn’t filled with hate, It doesn’t wish to be late, To the race that is my blossoming maturity. All...Read the rest...
Categories: growing, how i feel, life,
Form: Free verse
Us Again
Oh, I want to go back To when forever was possible When I was still falling asleep on your couch When our only fears were of monsters in the dark When we would get so mad at our...Read the rest...
Categories: childhood, first love, growing
Form: Free verse

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