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Griddle Poems - Poems about Griddle

Premium Member The Ballad of the Pancake Brothers
...two brothers hailed from the old country from Donnybrook one more like an engineer the other like a cook they specialized in pancakes the best, you can't deny Sean made them taste like heaven......Read the rest...
Categories: griddle, brother, death, food, fun,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Legendary Pancake Brothers
...Two brothers hailed from the old country, from Donnybrook - one more like an engineer, the other like a cook. They specialized in pancakes - the best, you can't deny. Sean made them taste like ......Read the rest...
Categories: griddle, brother, food, silly,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member A Pancake is a Pancake
...You can call them flapjacks. and you can call them hotcakes, You might call them johnny cakes or griddle cakes or crepes. I don't see the difference that it makes. They come by many a name, bu......Read the rest...
Categories: griddle, food, silly,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Does the Pan Make the Man, Dan?
...In a greasy diner on the edge of town, Dan flipped pancakes with the flair of a juggler, a spatula his scepter, his griddle a kingdom of sizzle and steam. They called him “Dan the Pan Man,” a brea......Read the rest...
Categories: griddle, confidence, creation, dedication, fate,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hey Diddle Diddle
...Hey, diddle, diddle, the cat and the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon--had no fiddle, The little dog laughed, got smashed as a Poodle, the cow laughed a little, and found the fid......Read the rest...
Categories: griddle, fantasy, humor, imagery, irony,
Form: Ghazal

Waffle House
... The door rings, I look up, someone with someone else, back to my eggs and hash browns. The door rings Spatulas knell the griddle. The skinny cook yells in Kentucky Yiddish. Flapjacks slap in......Read the rest...
Categories: griddle, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member In the quiet of Christmas morn
...In the quiet of Christmas morn, Before the rooster has even sworn, The aroma of coffee begins to dance, Signaling the day's first advance. Pancakes sizzle on the griddle, Their sweet scent sol......Read the rest...
Categories: griddle, adventure, appreciation, art, food,
Form: Rhyme
Doggie in the window --- revised
...How much is that hot dog on the griddle The one that is so plump and moist How much is that hot dog that is cooking My hungry belly has a choice They all look delicious and yummy I can hear th......Read the rest...
Categories: griddle, food, humor, silly, song,
Form: Rhyme
Blt On White
...For lunch today my wife said, husband, why don’t we eat out. I said, Honey in these Covid times, that’s not what I’m about. You just sit back and rest your feet, and let me worry about our lun......Read the rest...
Categories: griddle, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
A Field Day Shoe Fit For Mother Goose
...A field day shoe fit for Mother Goose Fruitless effort squeezing figurative juice Pandora called triggering helter skelter to get loose necessitating Bullwinkle J. Moose to usher at yours t......Read the rest...
Categories: griddle, 12th grade, adventure, age,
Form: Rhyme
...I tried to do some grilling But the sky just opened up And it rained like Noah’s time Each raindrop filled a cup I’m using here hyperbole To make a point of rain The grilling of the burgers ......Read the rest...
Categories: griddle, food, hyperbole, rain,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My Old Flame
...My old flame in the kitchen Man, she could bring the heat They’ve now induced induction I feel so incomplete It sprung up overnight It lit the world ablaze And now my flame’s anathema In jus......Read the rest...
Categories: griddle, future,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Talk About Nerve
...Ah! The smell of eggs and pancakes on the griddle Olfactory nerve distributes five pounds to my middle......Read the rest...
Categories: griddle, age, food, senses,
Form: Rhyme
Mother Goose Would Find Her Tail Feathers Ruffled
...Mother Goose would find her tail feathers ruffled Hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle when off to see a crooked man and woman, whilst cowards jumped over moo ving little pair of mis......Read the rest...
Categories: griddle, abuse, allusion, anger, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member More Than a Little
...I like My morning pancake's, With swirls of maple syrup. And sublime tasty butter, slathered in circles. If I have My druthers, that's more than a little. I like my morning pancake's, warm off......Read the rest...
Categories: griddle, humorous,
Form: Rhyme

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