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Green Light Poems - Poems about Green Light

Green Light Poems - Examples of all types of poems about green light to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for green light.
Premium Member Northern Light
Of burning sight, we grow the flora, From dancing light of my aurora. A stunted garden, met with showers, Brought to bloom, bouquet of flowers. In casting passion, bright the sky, Of green and blue we share an eye. The way...Read the rest...
Categories: green light, blue, green, light, love,
Form: Rhyme
Green Light
Waiting can do horrible things. When I’m at the red light, she calls. My phone says “mom.” It’s not her. The light is flickering, no one believes me. It’s not her, the light told me. My mom hates it when I...Read the rest...
Categories: green light, mental illness,
Form: Free verse

Give Christmas the green light this year
Imagine those who are heading into Christmas, Without a moral compass, Now imagine that on mass, For people who don't mow their grass, Not just on one landmass, Add in those who no longer go to mass, And you can imagine...Read the rest...
Categories: green light, age, allusion, change, character,
Form: Burlesque

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Green light
From root of spine till third eye, a seamless energy band, holding thus firm our focus, signals we’re ready....Read the rest...
Categories: green light, spiritual,
Form: Dodoitsu
it comes to a halt almost there, wait just a few red, yellow, now green 10/04/2023 Written for the SIMPLY POETRY 2 Contest Sponsored by John lawless...Read the rest...
Categories: green light, car, green, light, red,
Form: Senryu

Premium Member Green Light
Bit by bit my knees became weak, It must have been lust or candlelight; Moonlit curtains shimmer satin sheets, green lit tasting each other that night; Held me like it was the first time, smelled your desire and I broke; Yelled...Read the rest...
Categories: green light, emotions, feelings, lust, romance,
Form: Lento
Premium Member Stale Green Light
Been running like the devil with his pants on fire. Tearing up a rutted road with no spare tire. Racing toward the sunset in a reckless mood While the tension turns my knuckles white And I grit my teeth,...Read the rest...
Categories: green light, abuse,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member A Tree With Dark Green Leaves Spread
a tree with dark leaves Spreads its bough to frame a tree With branches light green...Read the rest...
Categories: green light, green, light, tree,
Form: Haiku
Green Light
I don't even know how it feels to love anymore And I really don't want to, Never again. The burns! The feels!! The ache!!! Even when I'm next To someone else. The fact that you call baby, But not to me anymore. When would I...Read the rest...
Categories: green light, baby, best friend, betrayal,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sugar Coated
a sparkling glazed sheen sunshine on my windowpane noonday blooms below goldfinch bush and tree are awash in dazzling light as pale sunbeams dance...Read the rest...
Categories: green light, color, flower, green, light,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Green Light Red Light
Cheap trance thievery Epstein coat hanger kisses life in them 'thar hills...Read the rest...
Categories: green light, anger, cancer, desire, evil,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member The Secret Garden
L-et the golden silence reign absolute; U-nwelcome is noise in the house of thought. S-o much to explore in the universe of mind, H-ued richly with precious gems of every kind! L-ight enters inside, so glintingly beautiful, I-nk takes on...Read the rest...
Categories: green light, flower, garden, green, light,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member A Green Light Prayer
Bogged down at a red light. At Ascension cemetery and St. Mary's drive I gazed a graveside service. The mourners spaced few and far between, mostly in black-still as wet granite. All were covid masked... properly. ...Read the rest...
Categories: green light, grave, green,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Time Travelers Wait For the Green Light
time travel’n peace — ought we find rather death, war — tread on me. funny the face, the companionship of outer space, the innocence of the sun and sky. she still provides the radiance of warmth; him the blue or gray stormy eyes. down...Read the rest...
Categories: green light, world,
Form: Free verse
In Anticipation
There is a tree at the end of the lane bare, standing proud in the the rain graceful yet eerie against a fading light gently swaying on a moonlit night quietly waking from a long winter sleep new shoots of...Read the rest...
Categories: green light, blue, green, light, rain,
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry