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Metaphor Greed Poems

These Metaphor Greed poems are examples of Greed poems about Metaphor. These are the best examples of Greed Metaphor poems written by international poets.

Kill with kindness
The quotes say's kill them with kindness,
so you offer the most righteous kind of kindness you can,
And they take that kindness that you so carefully...

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© Sarah Cope  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: greed, care, deep, devotion, extended

Premium Member The Changing World

The age of chivalry and bravery has ended

That of sophistry, rivalry, upon us descended

Those with ability, to charm and talk, are commended

They are...

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© MB Farookh  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: greed, age, change, character, emotions,

No One Stops the Storm
There’s a storm and it is raging.

It crackles deadly light.

There’s a hurricane-a-waging

A war we can not fight

There’s a powerful wind-a-roaring

Gusting money as quick as can...

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Categories: greed, corruption, dark, extended metaphor,

Premium Member She Loves You Because
Spit fire and spin honey,
the target-a wealthy man and his money.

She has no other talent that qualifies,
just the sum of what quantifies.

She's got cause and...

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Categories: greed, deep, extended metaphor, family,

Life In My Land
Life in my Land
Life in my land is not by right
With greed, we are wound around
Hardened ruiners ravaging all we have
Like raptor they kill, devour...

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Categories: greed, fear, grief, metaphor, murder,

Premium Member Not Missing Each Other a Bit
You don’t miss me
And me neither Missy
Life is full of shocks and surprises
To the foodies, everything is about business
These atypical days: power, money, jewelries
Fad, vanity,...

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Categories: greed, books, emotions, evil, friendship

Lust and Greed
Lust and Greed

After Lust watched her client leave her hotel room she picked up her communicator off of the dresser and called Greed her pimp...

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Categories: greed, allegory, lust, marriage, metaphor,

Premium Member Greed
Being motivated by greed is like being addicted to opioids
greedy people are well aware their rapacious desire for wealth 
or material possessions is ultimately destructive,...

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Categories: greed, metaphor, money, people, perspective,

Premium Member Monsters In Our World
 Monsters in your closet?
Maybe not but, they exist;
Though they don’t look like monsters;
They’re easily dismissed.
They hide in business offices
And in politics and they love,

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Categories: greed, business, corruption, evil, future,

Deception and Greed
Deception and Greed

the Pied Piper calls…
Rumpelstiltskin weaving straw,
promises of gold...

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Categories: greed, betrayal, metaphor, trust,

Book: Shattered Sighs