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Gratuity Poems - Poems about Gratuity

Gratuity Poems - Examples of all types of poems about gratuity to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for gratuity.
Digging or Gold
...When you have money the world stops to listen The content no matter gratuity bound The dollars indulgent as charlatans glisten Self-interest the mantra — with greed to compound (Septa R5 ......Read the rest...
Categories: gratuity, pain,
Form: Rhyme
When in-laws clash
...My blade is sharper, so they claim. And his hoe is blunt. Each voice raised is struggling to rise above the noise, eyeing for supremacy, living to convince, competing for dominance, quarreling ......Read the rest...
Categories: gratuity, conflict, political,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Goblin Ghoul and Ghost
...generous Gus, Greystone’s glaringly green goblin glided into the glades. giving Ginny Graceful, a gruesome ghoul a glimpse of glorious shades. gary, Gryffindor’s ghost glared at them; for where was......Read the rest...
Categories: gratuity, word play,
Form: Alliteration

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Eye a generic happy go lucky arachnid hoped for a miracle
...Eye (a generic happy go lucky arachnid) hope(d) for a miracle Harken and cue lyrics to All I Need Is a Miracle Song by Mike + The Mechanics. Aye, a quizzical hunky-dory spied re: anomaly doth......Read the rest...
Categories: gratuity, adventure, analogy, animal, august,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member short abc poem
...diabolical Denise denied doing deliberate dastardly deeds easily evacuated energy and excitement from everyone forewarning frantic free-wheeling freemasons from giving grubby grimy greedy Denise a......Read the rest...
Categories: gratuity, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: ABC

Are you tipping or dipping
...In the server industry many servers hourly pay is $2.13 an hour. The rest of their income is earned from their tips. Do you know that the average tip should be between 18 to 20 percent, or more if yo......Read the rest...
Categories: gratuity, birthday, food, jobs, money,
Form: Narrative
Based on Silent Ones Idea and Part 2 of Poetry Is so this makes 3
... You cannot tell someone how to be poetic. One of the beauty's of God's creation is variety. Everyone has a different way to view the world. So expression is personal and how they do ......Read the rest...
Categories: gratuity, art,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Text, Talk, and Tip
... Text, Talk, And Tip Miracle Man 10-1-2023 Who are these elite who made the rules on tipping? and now they’ve ruled on whether to text or talk. Hands around our throats and always gri......Read the rest...
Categories: gratuity, how i feel, humor,
Form: Sonnet
The Home of Love and Academia
...A Matriculation Poem to Welcome Freshers at the University of Makeni Welcome to an academic home of excellence, Where hunters hunt love in excess And fishers fish knowledge and accumulate provi......Read the rest...
Categories: gratuity, christian, faith, home, inspirational
Form: Rhyme
Our Daily Bread Community Food Pantry
...The spouse betook monthly outing today May 4th, 2022 to 3938B Ridge Pike, Collegeville, Pennsylvania 19426. No more bare cupboards, fridge, and deep freezer since returning with more than ......Read the rest...
Categories: gratuity, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Each One a Jewel
...This evening I sit in solitude the dark sky of night lays sprawled before me drawing me towards reflections of all I can remember deeds I have done, deeds others have done for me whether the guid......Read the rest...
Categories: gratuity, introspection, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Giving Godly Grace
...Giving Godly Grace Giving Godly grace calls us to walk In God’s sweet embracing footsteps of mercy’s tears, Vital in vivacity grace births the soul of eternal vitality, Infused gratuity – no sm......Read the rest...
Categories: gratuity, blessing, giving, god, life,
Form: Acrostic
Spring Break Vi - Spectacular Miami Dinner
...By day six I was antsy Stayed in my room all morning I knew this would happen While the glass-shatter of the ocean waves And yelps of surprise from scores of little kids Drifted in Through ......Read the rest...
Categories: gratuity, spring, vacation,
Form: Free verse
Good News Came My Way Today February 21 2021 Courtesy Late Father
...Good news came my way today February 21, 2021 courtesy late father Papa - purportedly named after paternal grandmother Sadie, her mom's Yiddish name Basia Brana (or Brandla), she took two B le......Read the rest...
Categories: gratuity, absence, appreciation, celebration, dad,
Form: Rhyme
...There was a time I felt as if life had no meaning I dangled in between material things that awarded me with temporary joy And like self satisfaction it felt good for the here and now yet i......Read the rest...
Categories: gratuity, appreciation, black african american,
Form: Free verse

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