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Glom Poems - Poems about Glom

Premium Member I am a Wood tick's Favorite Food
...There’s a wood tick in my cellar He be knocking at my door There’s a bunch of them on my tummy wall I count at least twenty-four One is biting my ankle, it is screaming out in pain That is wha......Read the rest...
Categories: glom, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member no one asks her age
...No one asks troll woman her age She is older than the petrified forest twice as old as the snow-capped mountains Savvy, sage, seasoned, Smithsonian-trained Hard-working too her followers report......Read the rest...
Categories: glom, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Prose Poetry

Legacy accompanied with inadequacy DESPAIR RING
...Legacy accompanied with inadequacy DESPAIR RING uninvited GUESTS linkedin as the themes of mein kampf. Despite countless factorial permutations & combinations, this cyber surfer avails left and......Read the rest...
Categories: glom, abuse, age, angst, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Loving My Refurbished Fifteen Inch Mid 2015 Macbook Pro
...Loving my refurbished fifteen inch mid 2015 Macbook Pro A lightning fast machine purchased three days ago now comfortably nestling with said technological wonder, where outside a cold wind how......Read the rest...
Categories: glom, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Clutched By Anxiety Compliments Vladimir Putin
...Yours truly borrows a phrase courtesy the great bard also known as William Shakespeare's Hamlet: "For 'tis the sport ... Hoist by one's own petard meaning "victimized or hurt by one's own sch......Read the rest...
Categories: glom, 12th grade, abuse, angst,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Halloween On My Block
...A terrifying sheeted ghost came by and we pretended to be scared. It was probably Wilbur, and he liked to think that we cared. Next was a headless kid carrying a bloody head. That’s got to be Zeke......Read the rest...
Categories: glom, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Spring Has Changed
...Spring forms changed. Jasmine limps. Corn plaques shirred. Shore is without breeze now. I didn't grasp my own home! Public blame current flow. Pulse spurred over the dome. S......Read the rest...
Categories: glom, analogy, celebration, character, community,
Form: Rhyme
A Muffled Pillow Speaks To Him
...He awoke, though he could not tell if it was the middle of a long night or the middle of his life. The years before were sodden with autumnal leaves and so he remembered much. The mechanics ha......Read the rest...
Categories: glom, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member In the 'Glomming'
..."Glom!" she said Huh? I thought ... "Glom onto me - I want to be glommed!" Is that even a word? Well, even if SO, I'm not a glommer ... Or the glomming type Still ... ......Read the rest...
Categories: glom, magic, mystery, relationship, romance,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Power
...Power is an intoxicating spice Oily politicians line the public troughs with it Wealthy corporations dress it up in lofty mission statements Erotic mistresses ooze it to extract favors from lovers......Read the rest...
Categories: glom, business, money, political, power,
Form: Name
...The rich are poor in giving As the poor are rich in receiving Pittance charity drips into their hold Dearth of spices pounds In the mortar of gifts Unable to fill their palms. Fingers more eage......Read the rest...
Categories: glom, absence, betrayal,
Form: Free verse
Though Nervous
...Though Nervous... Yours truly, quite dissimilar to a woodlark, nonetheless, this human i(r)onically positively charged to forge covalent bond, hence this stranger axon impulse to generate,......Read the rest...
Categories: glom, 8th grade, childhood, crush,
Form: Free verse
Clutched By Anxiety
...Unseen talon sharp claws... dig deep into mine psyche soft underbelly piercing bedrock of core (puss) being akin to butter knife slicing thru peanut butter and jelly unable to pre......Read the rest...
Categories: glom, analogy, angst, fate, longing,
Form: Bio
Another Day Another Accursed Blank Screen
...Another Day...Another Accursed Blank Screen Ma wink'n and blink'n mind nod yet awake, nor insights keen, asper ho hum usual, this (day-glo bull leave me you) after noon, ......Read the rest...
Categories: glom, 11th grade, art, dream,
Form: Lyric
Just Another Day In My Man Cave
...I always arise at break of dawn, when curtained solar radiance openly drawn upon a vast wasteland, though thankfully most (boot not all) bipedal hominids gone widel......Read the rest...
Categories: glom, 5th grade, age, art,
Form: Free verse

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