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Gib Poems - Poems about Gib

Gib Poems - Examples of all types of poems about gib to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for gib.

If I Had a Computer Instead of Just a Phone I Would Be Able To Download a Picture of My Face
...If only I had a computer As opposed to this here phone I have and currently still possess to write and post upon this site Which only provides me with a certain amount of limited functional......Read the rest...
Categories: gib, 1st grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Breaking News Skiberty Scab
...Breaking News David J Walker Fliberty flimm flamm Giberty gib Skiberty skib scab Floperty flib Zippity do dah Pigerty pigg Rigerty wash rag Oily rig And that’s why You will die ......Read the rest...
Categories: gib, allegory,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Rhyme
...Rhyme is not the be-all and the end-all – the cadence supersedes, mellifluous. Counting syllables, as superfluous as the vowels contained in the word queue. Sounds in chants we d......Read the rest...
Categories: gib, poetry,
Form: Tetractys

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member My Gib Gabs
...My train wreck Gabby was a gem indeed A giant Newfoundland a stubborn breed Loving and gentle all 180 pounds She was a mighty hunter and she protected our grounds For fourteen years I lo......Read the rest...
Categories: gib, dog,
Form: Rhyme
...Schönheit hat ihre Krallen in mein Fleisch gesetzt, Schmerz, den ich nicht glauben wollte. Denn ich wusste nichts von deinen Mühen; wie verloren du bist in deinem Bild. In deiner Hand war Komf......Read the rest...
Categories: gib, best friend, deep, devotion,
Form: Ballade

Laryngeal Spasm
...(alternately titled: excuse me while aye... touch the sky, hen derrick lee and pull lightly gag.) September third tooth house sand and eighteen didst find me to awaken with a start ......Read the rest...
Categories: gib, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Facebook Is Changing
...Facebook is changing ! Now that we have been caught Let the fight back begin With us playing the leading part Such a shame they were not so innocent from the start Defended by Plausible ......Read the rest...
Categories: gib, recovery from, slam,
Form: Free verse
Hippos Playing Hopscotch
...Ghostly giblets granting grinning gibbons grapefruit. But grapes were busy running down the road. Away they shouted away away. And at great speed they went down the roads. Escaping the giblets who cr......Read the rest...
Categories: gib, anti bullying, art, baby,
Form: I do not know?
A Good Day
... We pick de cotton, yah gib us mo' seeds We plant de wheat and corn, yah gat us pluckin' up mo' weeds We gather all de fruit, yah ke'p it all from us We boil de dry roots, yah eat de fresh......Read the rest...
Categories: gib, death, freedom, pain, slavery,
Form: Dramatic Verse
David Gibson
...mble child, You are going to be missed for a long, long while. You were firm & tall, You played that ball. Your number "8" that's new beginnings, Now you are on a team that is always winning. "GIB" or "PRO," you have game, Yet now you are resting in Jesus name. We thank God for your time spent with us here, And in our hearts you will always be near ......Read the rest...
Categories: gib, basketball, child, death of
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sailing
...The sails snapped in the wind as the yacht changed tack soon to refill as the yacht skimmed over the sea racing onwards riding the large waves with adapt aplume slicing them apart. Dolphins play......Read the rest...
Categories: gib, ocean, race, sea,
Form: Verse
...Fuzzily Wuzzily Benjamin Gib-a-ney Grew him a beard which was Coming in fine. Then he found out he had Pogonophobia. He can shave his, but he'd Best not touch mine.......Read the rest...
Categories: gib, fear, funny,
Form: Double Dactyl
The Dyslexic Teop
...I rebmemer when I was a cute, little dik underneath my steehsdeb I would slip. retfA finishing one fo Dad’s chocolate stressed - ymmoM would daer me The Three elttiL sgiP. As I nageb to worg in......Read the rest...
Categories: gib, imagination
Form: Light Verse
...My Aunt in California, she called to tell me good morning. Her name is Tu, it's true and she's a gem of an Auntie too. From Vietnam she came, in the year past my mother's flame. With her eyes sh......Read the rest...
Categories: gib, family, lovewords, heart, heart,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things