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Generically Poems - Poems about Generically

Generically Poems - Examples of all types of poems about generically to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for generically.

Premium Member admit one
... i love you ... to the cold marrow, i do beastess of black the art of you, ritualistic, raw all your names wrap me savage, winged and wondrous … tempt me, tepid dragon i dream of the pursui......Read the rest...
Categories: generically, addiction, analogy, imagery, introspection,
Form: Free verse
Jinxed Jesting Jejune Junior Jobber
...Jinxed jesting jejune junior jobber... just jabbering gibberish (A - J) Again, another awkward ambitious arduous attempt at alphabetically arranging atrociously ambiguously absolutely asinine ......Read the rest...
Categories: generically, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Admit One
...i love you ... to the cold marrow, i do beastess of black the art of you, ritualistic, raw all your names wrap me, winged and wondrous tempt me, tepid, dragon i dream of the chase ... in ti......Read the rest...
Categories: generically, addiction, analogy, dark, drug,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Looking For Love In Right Places
...I find hear see right hemisphere prominently feel, But cannot quite touch something sexy about left/right cooperatively resonant waves of wealthy ego-rooting eco-rooted health. I suppose......Read the rest...
Categories: generically, health, integrity, love, peace,
Form: Political Verse
When a Pronoun Lacks a Nominal Antecedent
...What is Truth? That old unanswered question. I know when I'm telling a lie though. I lie not. There I was minding my own business, making myself a complimentary cup of coffee in the hotel lob......Read the rest...
Categories: generically, crazy, me, stress,
Form: Blank verse

Bright Lights In a World of Darkness
...More than 30 years ago the Supreme Court in the United States ruled that if individuals are mentally ill but not criminally insane they cannot be confined to asylums. They must be allowed to live in ......Read the rest...
Categories: generically, mental illness,
Form: Prose
A One Two Three Is Neither a One To One Or a Two Plus Six
...Oh great. It is time to build a snowman in a fire place. Just ensure even placement and it is imperative to use the fire guard. Shrink sinking surrounding shaping shifting sailing sip. A shapeless ga......Read the rest...
Categories: generically, anniversary, april, august, baseball,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Goldfish Wetdreams
...So here's my big insight. My two cents worth, which will remain worth only a penny unless it somehow aligns with your penny for thoughts and shared feelings. What if we put our human nature ge......Read the rest...
Categories: generically, culture, earth, environment, health,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member This Transit Regeneration
...My TransITion began there right there in my woodland playground, when I first knew something right feels wrong to others. I was blind to curve-balls hurled at me. Being "It" is not why I gro......Read the rest...
Categories: generically, angst, birth, bullying, culture,
Form: Political Verse
Eating the Lotus
...Mr. Eli is such a nice guy, his skin's a pretty Lilly white 'times when my placebo ain't workin' my personal pill prescribing plight generically i'm very uncommon as i always fill the proprietary M......Read the rest...
Categories: generically, allegory, happiness, health, pain,
Form: Quatrain
The Silence of War
...The Silence of War Behind the Curtains of a church window Men in Prayer, orchestrated by sweat and Lice Find relief from snipers gaze Beside the cross sits the last candle Flickering precariously, ......Read the rest...
Categories: generically, history, war, words, war,
Form: Free verse
Self-Esteem (Free Verse Improv)
...At first, you compare, like side-by-side metronome tick and tock from (not) you to you and back. At second tick, brick-by-brick are towers built in defense against non-existent foes. A miner's......Read the rest...
Categories: generically, introspection
Form: Free verse
"g" &"t"
...**********************"G"************************** Gratefully I gaze gainfully into gemini. A graphic gateway into our generous gigantic gal......Read the rest...
Categories: generically, imagination
Form: Free verse
Evil Forces
...Why do we do that we call “bad” later on, If we had known in advance had we done it, Perhaps yes and perhaps no, If perhaps yes then we like to do bad, If perhaps no and as yet we do repeat i......Read the rest...
Categories: generically, philosophy, day, day,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things