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Generationally Poems - Poems about Generationally

Generationally Poems - Examples of all types of poems about generationally to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for generationally.

Long Life of Tortoise
...lions in the forest are roaring  loudly tortoises look at skelton of lions generationally. July 18/2023......Read the rest...
Categories: generationally, animal, imagery, metaphor,
Form: Free verse
Who Lives In These Houses
...For twenty years I have walked my curvy tree lined street, and there're neighbors I have yet to meet, I look into the windows of the oblong and squares, and wonder about the people who live in the......Read the rest...
Categories: generationally, community, imagery, perspective, poems,
Form: Rhyme

Soothing Love
...Thank you very much For having such a heart, such a blooming heart, such a bleeding heart, and guiding and guarding that child from them, from that pack of wolves. A decade ago, it happene......Read the rest...
Categories: generationally, child, humanity, love,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member King of the Hill
...When I was a ginger eight my many cousins and I liked to play King On The Mountain, or at least the older and stronger enjoyed being on top of a grassy mound as lesser beings formed military all......Read the rest...
Categories: generationally, betrayal, community, conflict, cousin,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Spheres and Hemispheres
...Whole loves and half lives listen to this rain dripping tears on green leafed pachysandra while, underneath our shared EarthSoul, roots systematically suck up water shared with thirsty insect ha......Read the rest...
Categories: generationally, corruption, creation, earth, health,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Unfinished Loves
...This passion to live and love fully would grow with maturation, not dissipate with age. Such passion, investment, solidarity with Earth and all Her beautiful, yet suffering, Tribes cannot......Read the rest...
Categories: generationally, age, health, life, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Narrow Paths Less Taken
...A narrow way between left-brain dominant history in wealthy solidarity with right-brain prominent yin-flow Heart-touched and nature-tasted multi-generationally tested both/and cooperative hea......Read the rest...
Categories: generationally, destiny, green, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member God of Healthy Purpose
...The static idea of an unchanging personal Holy Spirit/Nature, yet transcendent God, works more effectively in my RealTime and RealTalk and Real EarthHealth, as an integrity-unchanging god cons......Read the rest...
Categories: generationally, caregiving, creation, god, green,
Form: Political Verse
Tailgates and Porch Swings
...Out in the driveway Sits my old pickup truck Whose tailgates the first place I learned about love Its held on with cables That are rusted and worn While its seen better days Its weathered ......Read the rest...
Categories: generationally, character, journey, life,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Energy's Dying Wish
...So, if I understand correctly, you want to respond to inevitable energy descent by upgrading incentives for cooperative communication, positive information expansion, research and regenerative de......Read the rest...
Categories: generationally, culture, deep, games, green,
Form: Political Verse
Gentle Breeze
...Traversing the hills, caressing the trees, gently swirling the scene. Life's medium moves, ebbs and flows surrounding all with subtle sensation. Moving all with jocularity. Ripples across ......Read the rest...
Categories: generationally, art,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Correct Politically
...I don't have a beer gut. I have a liquid grain storage facility. I don't get falling-down drunk. I become horizontal accidentally. I am not short. I'm compact anatomically. I don't have a hot b......Read the rest...
Categories: generationally, people
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry