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Fro Poems - Poems about Fro

Premium Member Rushing To and Fro
Sometimes the rain never falls , drowning in the overflow that falls from above Speaking a word or two , something to do about love Why do you even care , about all there is that you...Read the rest...
Categories: fro, culture,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member To and Fro
rhythm of the sea waves and tides dance in sync to and fro as one...Read the rest...
Categories: fro, heart, ocean, sea,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member To and Fro
When the Rapture cometh I will bide my time quietly Not to the tremors of past consequences, but to the calamity of their remorse in that...Read the rest...
Categories: fro, appreciation, confidence, devotion, eulogy,
Form: Free verse
Everything Is Going So Wrong In the World It Can'T Be True
I'm hardly awake and I start to quake. If I should choose to switch on the news, a message of doom deepens my gloom. From delusion to delusion a world in confusion tumbles and stumbles as everything crumbles. Then I see Sally and hope starts to...Read the rest...
Categories: fro, depression, hope, love,
Form: Rhyme
Fro Zen Dreams
i'm not a popsicle i'm out of the life cycle and now one with the universe and now for the world of sports we take you to the Himalayas for the outdoor wet blanket covered meditating monk championships and on the other side of the world we go to New York City for who...Read the rest...
Categories: fro, muse,
Form: I do not know?

The To and Fro
Owls fly back toward the dark, mice follow the talons of an exposing sun. The tramp and scurry of predators and prey passing each other, to-and-fro. At the tree line, a small clearing of calm. Here dawn and night mingle for a...Read the rest...
Categories: fro, poetry,
Form: Blank verse
Fro With the Negroni
Smelled of orange, dense wet woods and musk. Piercing bright blue steady eyes Looked up theirs Constrainted gaze upon his joyful face So pleasant and entertaining The Fro with the Negroni His golden poodle alfro welcoming the bright sun Stylish shoes,...Read the rest...
Categories: fro, beach, poetry,
Form: Free verse
To and Fro
He couldn’t fit his shopping cart And suitcase through the door And screamed at the conductor (Quite a challenge to ignore). Once seated, he spread out and then Removed his socks and shoes. Assessing just how nuts he was, This added to...Read the rest...
Categories: fro, new york,
Form: Rhyme
To and Fro
A life of rushing to and fro, Here and there trapped by the clock, Working hard to get things done Day in day out without a stop, Get up late and you’ll miss The bus, the train, or find you’re...Read the rest...
Categories: fro, future, poetry,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Gingerbread Man Rolling To and Fro
Swinging his hips in Boogie, Woogie Roll Gingerbread Man A quite handsome sight with a candy cane in hand Taking a stroll in an evening cold chill To Currier and Ives through the white snow Swinging...Read the rest...
Categories: fro, christmas, fun,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member If I Could Travel To and Fro
To my Dad... If I could travel to and fro The winds of change would meekly blow And Heaven's Gate, that opened wide Would stay shut tight, Dad at my side Our campfires, when the firelight danced You'd find me safe,...Read the rest...
Categories: fro, dad
Form: Couplet
Premium Member To and Fro
The pendulum sways ...Read the rest...
Categories: fro, life
Form: Free verse
To and Fro
The light’s velocity Or my mind’s rapidity Is not sufficient for me, To travel into the space, Where, I dump the remains Of my void past, and to get My vivid future while I am On the...Read the rest...
Categories: fro, inspirational, travel,
Form: ABC
Premium Member To and Fro
inspiration makes its own pace decides ...Read the rest...
Categories: fro, on writing and words
Form: Verse
To and Fro
Fish and ducks and frogs and such that in the water play, swim in and out and all about throughout their fun filled day. Rain or sun no difference make to their gay parade, It's here and there and everywhere to play...Read the rest...
Categories: fro, animals, life, nature,
Form: Carpe Diem

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