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Freeloading Poems - Poems about Freeloading

Freeloading Poems - Examples of all types of poems about freeloading to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for freeloading.
Premium Member Kind of Blue
...Kind of Blue… Slinking into a still hue of blues Haunting trumpets dart in and out Like taxi horns in freeloading traffic And cling like silk onto full figured rifs When winsome modal notes ......Read the rest...
Categories: freeloading, blue, music,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Golden Spun Reflections Grandmother
... She was a grandmother, and my Mother. Who cared for her grand-daughter, like no other. Bought her new clothes, new shoes. Mother never sang,"I'm too sick, or tired," She funded my daugh......Read the rest...
Categories: freeloading, beautiful, daughter, dedication, devotion,
Form: Couplet

Marred Connections
...Freeloading Taking what was given by someone else for something else A gift with a tinge of obligation Tacit codes From the animal that is me To the ungrateful optimizer A love of expectati......Read the rest...
Categories: freeloading, angst,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Labor Day Wishes
... Labor Day Blessings Congratulations to all who work. Oh, how I admire you and salute you. You, the opposite of the easy way out! Su......Read the rest...
Categories: freeloading, america, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Request By An American Poet
... Sometimes, as an American, and a poet, The tears flow down face... All countries seem to hate us, As though they lived in an Eternal state of kindness and grace? I wonder, why a......Read the rest...
Categories: freeloading, patriotic,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Crime Dont Pay, Freeloading Does
... Crime Don’t Pay, Freeloading Does Written: by Miracle Man 11-5-2019 Too many are obsessed, with today’s free stuff. To this kind of talk, some take exception and rebuff. Oblivio......Read the rest...
Categories: freeloading, how i feel,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member A Palestinian's Engineering Dream
... Once I was thinking of building a shopping plaza, just along the Gaza strip But those Israeli's being what they are I thought my sales could take a dip So, I thought I'd build a set of tunnels,......Read the rest...
Categories: freeloading, humor, uplifting,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Grazing the Garden
...I retired a couple years ago and decided to take a gardening class because otherwise I probably would starve even with food stamps, given my retirement plan was mainly to live off my still-freel......Read the rest...
Categories: freeloading, age, garden, humor, poverty,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Angel's Hope
...The past scampers out of view. Like the paw prints of a cat running to the bush. The wheel of time follows no straight line. As we sometimes trace back over the lines. In the recesses of our min......Read the rest...
Categories: freeloading, abuse, addiction, hope,
Form: Free verse
Luggage Check
...Clouded glass prevented The driver from reaching her Destination. Sunken eyelids, Furrowed forehead, Contributed to the already Wearied woman's unseemly appearance. Yet she dreaded that most o......Read the rest...
Categories: freeloading, analogy, beauty, bullying, conflict,
Form: Free verse
Political Starch
...freeloading riders robber barons at the till grand omnibus bill......Read the rest...
Categories: freeloading, political
Form: Haiku
Don'T Be Cruel
...They try to be nice to me They try to encourage me But I'm not a fool What you're doing ain't cool You treat me like a tool Just don't be cruel You bully me every day Impaling my emotions li......Read the rest...
Categories: freeloading, inspirational, sad, school, teenme,
Form: Free verse
Bon Voyage
...You think you’re something’ special, cause you’re Arizona bound! You think we’re really gonna feel it, when you’re no longer 'round! You prob’ly think that we’ll feel sad, and some of us will ......Read the rest...
Categories: freeloading, friend,
Form: Rhyme
Pockets of Dreams
...Pockets of Dreams Empty pockets filled of hopes and dreams Yearning to feel the touch of moneys many men Wishing to taste salts of audacious seas Wetting of aroused dreams and curiosities ......Read the rest...
Categories: freeloading, magic,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Freeloading, profits perquisites, what is in a word- some receive large rewards that others have earned.......Read the rest...
Categories: freeloading, business, life,
Form: Lanterne

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