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Flights Poems - Poems about Flights

Flights Poems - Examples of all types of poems about flights to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for flights.
Premium Member Squeezed Flights of Fancy
A kingdom that’s ruled by flights of fancy, suddenly whimsical has been turned sour; Peasants facing collective tragedy being brought to life is leaving them dour; Afraid to truly close their eyes and see they all fight the same...Read the rest...
Categories: flights, childhood, courage, fantasy, feelings,
Form: Ottava rima
Moth Flights
In the blinding light, or the blinding dark, a moth navigates an alien world by its own shadow....Read the rest...
Categories: flights, poetry,
Form: Free verse

fancy flights
. go ahead laugh ...Read the rest...
Categories: flights, art, character, conflict, metaphor,
Form: Bio

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Flights of Human Fantasy
Flights of Human Fantasy They come to each of us, at times, in our deep dreams. And they speak to us of possibilities that address and echo certain events and situations: The Time, The Place, And the “If” and “When,” And they...Read the rest...
Categories: flights, allegory, deep, dream, emotions,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Silent Flights of the Owl-
~acute hearing site vision sharply hooked beak the flight of owl silent~ 2/26/22 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr © 2022...Read the rest...
Categories: flights, adventure, animal, engagement,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Joys In Flights Flown-
The floors must be moved before the lit night So that in middle free fall We shall flap are hands and arms and fly right We land on this earth raw Rebirth, forgiven, renewed awaiting the masters call 11/7/21 Written by...Read the rest...
Categories: flights, analogy, environment, imagery,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sunset Flights
Light recedes at sunset and night starts to assemble. No longer bright, Sol slowly sinks, as bats take flight amidst the shadows and soon fly from sight, blending with the dark. (Rhyme) 10/30/2021 Something Beautiful 5 line rhyme Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Charles...Read the rest...
Categories: flights, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Enchanted Flights
A chorus of crickets create melodies for sweet slumber Where dreams take wing on enchanted flights to far away places But even in a dream she disappears from my heart musicians change and feathery melodies...Read the rest...
Categories: flights, dream,
Form: Sijo
Red Eye Flights Southwest
Looking for the best way to minimize your air travel expenses? Have you heard about the red-eye flights? No! Then you must learn about these flights as they give you the chance to fly at...Read the rest...
Categories: flights, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Bio
Flights In the Gyre of Being
The chick killed its brother; the weak have to be expelled from the nest, It had to be the last and the first, the one still instinctively pecking, still begging from the raw red mouth to endure long enough to soar. She...Read the rest...
Categories: flights, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Midnight Flights
on perfumed flights of honeysuckle comes to me in bursts the memory of you when looking down a gentle moon casts its many blessings love transcends eternity ...Read the rest...
Categories: flights, longing, love, memory, moon,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Courtship Flights
The sky fades turquoise blue night's nigh and wet with dew. Cooler air fresh and clear blows fair as dusk draws near. Fireflies flash coded lights that clash in courtship flights. And Sol sinks out of sight a...Read the rest...
Categories: flights, 10th grade, 9th grade,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Two Flights Offancy
Two flights Of fancy No Nancy Not Drew He's on the Other side Of a picture You knew Far away You forgot To tell The well's Never there Like a wrong In a witness Of a thirst For a care No then's Another day You will or You won't Then there's A better part Of I will And...Read the rest...
Categories: flights, 1st grade, anxiety, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
In Remembrance of Old Flights
An old butterfly wing entangled in a web flays his tether with each gust of wind....Read the rest...
Categories: flights, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Freedom Tolls Eagles Flights Flown
~Aloft the pattern flight The precious eagle flows Flying high visions of mountains past Turbulent feathered wings do grasp The skies sowing eversole by and by soars radiant vibrant fluffy pillow clouds pearl white Floating...Read the rest...
Categories: flights, adventure, allegory, beautiful, bird,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry