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First Principle Poems - Poems about First Principle

First Principle Poems - Examples of all types of poems about first principle to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for first principle.

...COGITO ERGO SUM I think, therefore I am Cogito Ergo Sum As in Latin it’s said But I’m not a linguist My headache feels like lead I think, therefore I am And my brain tells me so Am I defi......Read the rest...
Categories: first principle, i am,
Form: Monchielle Stanza
Personal Value
...I wanted to give to all I met, How to pay for presents, drove me to fret. I felt so poor; needy myself, What could I give from an empty shelf? Hearing a principal of uniqueness, A changing glow ......Read the rest...
Categories: first principle, health, heart,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Ambiguous Apprentice
...When does ambiguously free verse also become emphatically political verbing verse? I was emphatically reading pieces ambiguously written about my sons, to my oldest son's girlfriend. The l......Read the rest...
Categories: first principle, art, humor, joy, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Earthprime Principle
...As winter seasons dark humor, so summer reasons hate. Lovelock and Margolis' Gaia Hypothesis is Bateson's Sacred Ecology deep double-bound Co-Learning Thesis, is Bucky Fuller's fractal-ro......Read the rest...
Categories: first principle, beauty, hate, health, humor,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Brief Epistle in Urgent Forewarning against Melancholia--Part I
...(Somewhere in late 18th-century Europe a friend, Laetitia, by way of a letter warns her beloved girlfriend, Euphoria--a young, gay and unsuspecting mistress--against the almost inevitable seductions ......Read the rest...
Categories: first principle, depression, friend, metaphor, philosophy,
Form: Prose

Premium Member A Weird Word Is Wyrd:
...The word Wyrd is Old English and means 'destiny'. From the same root comes Urd, one of the Norns, and the Germanic words Werth, Warth, and Wurth, which mean 'become'. The root word means 'to turn' or......Read the rest...
Categories: first principle, mythology,
Form: Narrative
The Rant
...Gone now are the wondrous minds of old, whose era treasured learning over gold, And humble were the thoughts and words of these, who, trothed to truth, would now be left displeased, by hurried te......Read the rest...
Categories: first principle, people, philosophy, political, society,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member New Beginnings
...Today we begin with a quote from Eisenstein with commentary in brackets informed by Bucky Fuller's cooperative metaphysic of Synergetic Steerage. "We have a[n autonomic neurosystemic] need to ......Read the rest...
Categories: first principle, nature, philosophy, political, psychological,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry