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Field Day Poems - Poems about Field Day

Field Day Poems - Examples of all types of poems about field day to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for field day.

A Field Day Shoe Fit For Mother Goose
A field day shoe fit for Mother Goose Fruitless effort squeezing figurative juice Pandora called triggering helter skelter to get loose necessitating Bullwinkle J. Moose to usher at yours truly (an aspiring wordsmith) vamoose! Hey diddle diddle the...Read the rest...
Categories: field day, 12th grade, adventure, age,
Form: Rhyme
Mowed Down Field Day With Redacted Mueller Report
Attorney General William Barr black marker in hand kept promise to censor vital details of Mueller Report swift as Usain Bolt candidly, grandly, lustrously, roundly youthfully blocked out more rapid than an elegant eland vibrantly, regally, magically, and gracefully skirts borderland which favored topography constitutes grassland...Read the rest...
Categories: field day, anger, animal, freedom, humorous,
Form: Political Verse

The Fear Mongers Have a Field Day
Fear had all but a few intrepid explorers in its icy grasp, And even they not resisting the right of fear to, Lord it over the land. Things looked bleak indeed for the human race, With all means...Read the rest...
Categories: field day, addiction, anxiety, cancer, community,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Field Day For Female Lawyers Too
the initial purport this literary effort delivered atchew to reed constitutes hazmat tocks sin within White House blew per, viz thee president be getting a...Read the rest...
Categories: field day, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Henty Farm Machinery Field Day
All dressed in matching shirts, belt buckles and ties, The big black boots made from leather, And their pride and joy, sitting upon their head, With the biggest brim, leather strap and a feather. There’s headers and tractors, sprayers...Read the rest...
Categories: field day, community, farm, today,
Form: Quatrain

Make It a Field Day
M-ake it a field day, E-njoy the circumstance; R-ejoice with everybody, C-all the old and Y-oung ones. N-ice and delightful moment O-f fun, joy and cheer; T-wenty-fifth morn in July, A-llow the haze to disappear. R-emember your birth, T-aking...Read the rest...
Categories: field day, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
A Field Day For Mother Goose
Hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle when off to see a crooked man and woman whilst cowards jumped over moo ving little pair of mismatched muggles, who...Read the rest...
Categories: field day, adventure, change, confusion, faith,
Form: I do not know?
Field Day
Time to have fun and play! Time to compete and race! Your hearts pounding! You are sweating like crazy! You move left, right, then back! Try to get the ball to the team, try to make the goal! Throw left or...Read the rest...
Categories: field day, sports, uplifting,
Form: Free verse
Freudian Field Day
A mental mind freak, Or just your every day, Run of the mill nut bar, If you prefer. Eloquently presented, But not really. Unless bat crap crazy Dressed up as a pretty girl, Is your cup of tea. Making friends with the blade too...Read the rest...
Categories: field day, depression
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry