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Fibered Poems - Poems about Fibered

Fibered Poems - Examples of all types of poems about fibered to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for fibered.

Premium Member Paper People
...I see a legion Of paper people Marching across the tabletop Hysterically yelling About their war On parchment rights Etched on their fibered faces Were faithful ideas Expressed in......Read the rest...
Categories: fibered, people, world, writing,
Form: Free verse
Dancing on the Edge of Desire's Ledge
... To wallow in the fires is a tempting surrender. A swan dive into the maelstromic implode of mushroom clouds, return to sender. If I let it take me into its vespered aqua......Read the rest...
Categories: fibered, art,
Form: Ballad

Who Am I
...I knew my ancestry and my dad was a joiner, But verged on disowning my mum for labour, Not married in history yet throbbing with spark, Love, truth, kindness fibered the gelled dark. A stunner......Read the rest...
Categories: fibered, christian, death, emotions, history,
Form: Quatrain

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

From Writer's Desk
...I dream of hard wooden surface, lying abandoned in the evening of solace, chair of adjustable height, higher when elate, and lower when desolate. I also dream of an eve, where sun is at brim o......Read the rest...
Categories: fibered, art, dream, environment, heart,
Form: Acrostic
The First Fire
...Small shards of Flint stone, picked from the quarry’s rubble Blacksmith-bent bit of iron, wrapped around my fisted knuckles Strike strike strike spark! Charred cloth poised to catch, glowing grows......Read the rest...
Categories: fibered, fire,
Form: Free verse

'lectric Sound
...Heavy strings playing a melody screeching with every strum hands can't feel the fibered strings of this guitar drum hitting on with no actual beat to inspire like raining falling c......Read the rest...
Categories: fibered, art
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things